Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Imad Jomaa, an Islamist commander captured on Aug. 2 in Arsal, reportedly confessed that he had been tasked with coordinating the takeover of Arsal and other Lebanese towns in the Bekaa Valley and the north so that an Islamic emirate could be established in the area with Abdullah Azzam Brigades spokesman Sirajeddine Zureiqat as its […]


US prepares military options in Syria against Islamic State


The Islamist-dominated former GNC met in Tripoli and elected Omar al Hasi as its leader; the Parliament, meeting in Tobruk, denounced the GNC’s election of a new prime minister as invalid. The Parliament refuted reports that it had ordered the Zintani forces to withdraw from Tripoli; Zintani forces claimed that Misratan militias seized the Tripoli […]


Some 5,000 people protested in Oslo against the Islamic State, in a demonstration organized by Norwegian Muslim groups. A government minister said Norway is considering legislation that will revoke the citizenship of Norwegians who seriously damage vital government interests or volunteer to serve in foreign military services.


Authorities arrested Aini Aishan, 18, an ethnic Uighur, on suspicion of planning the killing Jume of Tahir, 74, the government-allied imam of China’s largest mosque, in at attack in Xinjiang last month. Security forces from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan participated in a joint antiterrorism drill. Eight men were recently executed in Xinjiang for […]

United States

General Dempsey, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that if and when he finds that the Islamic State is plotting direct attacks on the US homeland or Europe, then he will recommend that the US take military action against the group in Syria. He also said the group should be constrained and defeated […]


Iran Says It Downed Israeli Drone over Nuclear Site


US strikes in Syria against Islamic State would be hindered by intelligence gaps


When will the US, Europe wake up to the threat of radical Islam?


The Islamic State took over the military airport in Al Tabaqa, the last regime stronghold in the province, after battles in which 346 IS fighters and 170 regime soldiers have been killed and another 150 regime troops likely taken captive. Warplanes were towed from the base to the Syrian Badeya and to the Deir Ezzor […]


The Muslim Scholars Committee delivered video to the government that shows nine kidnapped Lebanese troops being held captive by Islamists. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front also released lists of names of those held captive. Security forces arrested three Syrians in the Bekaa Valley for posting the logo of an extremist group in […]


Egyptian Islamic authority: Extremists no ‘Islamic State’


Tripoli Airport is reportedly in flames, the day after its capture by Islamist forces after weeks of fighting. Unidentified warplanes again attacked areas of Tripoli today; previous airstrikes in Tripoli have been claimed by the government-allied Operation Dignity. The new parliament issued a statement blaming the Libya Dawn and Ansar al Sharia groups as “terrorists” […]


Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a lengthy video in which he claimed to have created an Islamic caliphate in Gwoza in northern Nigeria’s Borno state; last month Shekau had voiced his support for the leader of the Islamic State as well as leaders of al Qaeda and the Taliban. The Nigerian military dismissed Boko […]

United Kingdom

British ambassador Peter Westmacott warned that among the 70 UK jihadists arrested after returning to Britain, a number were carrying “very specific” instructions for terrorist missions in the UK. British intelligence is coming close to identifying the Islamic State jihadist who beheaded American journalist James Foley; among those being investigated is UK rapper-turned-jihadist Abdel Majed […]


The Muslim Brotherhood’s Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove


Islamic State inciting Arab-Kurdish divide in Iraq

Islamic State

Saudis Must Stop Exporting Extremism: ISIS Atrocities Started With Saudi Support for Salafist Hate