Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


This Islamic State has executed 31 people in Syria over the last 10 days of August, in Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, and Raqqah. Regime forces carried out an “unprecedented” 25 airstrikes in the rebel-held Jobar district of Damascus today, targeting the Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front. Regime forces also clashed with Al Nusrah near […]


Arrest warrants were issued for six Syrians and a Lebanese man who are linked to detained Islamic State commander Imad Jomaa, who heads the IS’ Fajr al-Islam Brigade. Two Syrians from Idlib were arrested in Nabatieh for possession of Islamic State headbands and posters. The Army engaged in an hourlong clash with Syrian militants last […]


African leaders seek fund to fight militant Islamist groups

Saudi Arabia

Authorities arrested 88 members of a large al Qaeda cell that was reportedly planning assassinations in Saudi Arabia as well as other attacks both inside and outside the country; the suspects, all Saudis except for three Yemenis, had contacts with terror groups abroad, and 59 of the suspects had served previous jail terms for similar […]


A roadside bombing killed 11 Egyptian soldiers and wounded two more in North Sinai. On Aug. 31, the army killed six militants during a raid in Wefaq, and an Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis) leader was killed in el Arish; three security force members were wounded in an el Arish raid. Muslim Brotherhood members […]


The Interior Ministry said six gunmen had attempted to kill parliament member Mohamed al Nasri at his home in Kasserine, but he had escaped after jumping into a neighbor’s courtyard and breaking his leg. Islamists assassinated two secular politicians in Tunisia last year. Salafists tried to attack a national guard member in his home in […]


At least four UN troops were killed and six seriously injured when a convoy of Chadian peacekeepers hit a land mine about 20 miles outside of Kidal. In separate attacks yesterday, mortars were fired at a UN base in Aguelhok, and four UN civilian contractors were injured by a landmine. A UN spokesman said attacks […]


Chancellor Merkel warned that the Islamic State now controls an area half the size of Germany, and said the terror group is causing “the far-reaching destabilization of an entire region [which] affects Germany and Europe.” Defending Germany’s decision to send arms to Kurdish fighters in Iraq battling the Islamic State, she also said the more […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron shelved plans that would permit police to temporarily strip terror suspects of citizenship at the border while they are being investigated. He said the UK is considering joining the US in conducting military strikes against the Islamic State. Lawmakers investigating the “Trojan Horse” plot to impose an Islamist curriculum in Birmingham schools […]


Qatar is said to be mediating between Fiji and the Al Nusrah Front for the release of 44 Fijian UN peacekeeping troops seized by Al Nusrah in Quneitra near the Golan Heights. Al Nusrah has demanded compensation and support as well as the removal of its name from the UN’s terrorist list. The Syrian army […]


A Kuwaiti news outlet claimed that Hezbollah had detained three Al Nusrah Front commanders in Qalamoun who could be exchanged for kidnapped Lebanese security forces; Hezbollah denied knowledge of the report. Another report said Al Nusrah plans to release kidnapped Sunni, Christian, and Druze troops but will hang on to captive Shiites. Al Nusrah released […]


US airstrikes help Iraqi forces break Islamic State’s siege


Islamists in Iraq driving large-scale atrocities: UN


Prime minister al Thinni announced that most governmental ministries and institutions in Tripoli are out of Parliament’s control; Islamist forces are also said to now control about 80 percent of Benghazi. Islamist forces including Ansar al Sharia and the February 17 Brigade renewed attacks in Benghazi, killing at least 10 Operation Dignity soldiers. The Foreign […]


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State continued preparations for an assault on the military airbase, and also executed five men on various charges, including “apostasy.” Regime airstrikes targeted the IS in Raqqah. The Al Nusrah Front flogged a man for “insulting the divine” in Idlib. Kurdish YPG fighters battled IS in Hasakah. Al Nusrah, the […]