Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The commander of the Benghazi-based Omar Mukhatr Brigade, which has been allied with Ansar al Sharia, February 17 Brigade, and Libya Shield, escaped an assassination attempt with serious injuries. A leading lawyer was kidnapped from a Tripoli courtroom last week. Thirty Libyan Army cadets left their training in the UK after roughing up a British […]


The Islamic State and the politics of official narratives


Boko Haram fighters captured the town of Michika in Adamawa state near the Cameroon border. An Adamawa university closed due to fear of Boko Haram attacks. The military claimed to have recaptured Bama in Borno and killed 50 Boko Haram fighters. Over 20 Boko Haram militants were said to have been killed after they attacked […]

United Kingdom

Authorities evacuated Luton Airport, about 30 miles north of London, after a suspicious item was found in the security search area. Incoming flights were canceled and the airport road was closed. The item was later destroyed in a “controlled explosion.” Sir Peter Wall, the outgoing head of the Army, warned that the UK has little […]

United States

Defense Secretary Hagel, meeting with the Erdogan government in Turkey to discuss strategy against the Islamic State, said the Obama administration will need to consider the ending as well as the beginning of any broader military action against the Islamic State; President Obama has said he will address the topic on Sept. 10. US intelligence […]


Destroying ISIS May Take Years, US Officials Say


Police in Wuppertal arrested 11 members of the “Sharia Police” earlier this week who had been telling people at drinking and gambling establishments to refrain from activity that violates Islam. Police said that local Salafists had been attempting to recruit young people.


After Syria and Iraq, Islamic State makes inroads in South Asia


Libya accuses Khartoum of flying weapons to Islamist rebels in Tripoli


Obama to set out plan to go on offensive against Islamic State


Regime aircraft carried out airstrikes for a second day on an Islamic State training camp in Raqqah, killing at least six fighters; 31 people, including at least eight civilians, were killed by a strike on a bakery in Raqqah. The Islamic State captured and then released an Al Nusrah Front commander in Deir Izzour. Regime […]


Somalia put on high alert after Shabaab leader confirmed dead


The Al Nusrah Front threatened Sunnis that they will “pay the price” if they support the Lebanese Army in its fight against “your brothers, the mujahideen.” Al Nusrah and the Islamic State are said to have told Qatari mediators that they want $5 million and the release of 400 Islamist inmates from Lebanese jails in […]


The government expelled Sudan’s military attache after a Sudanese plane landed two days ago in Kufra laden with weapons and ammunition destined for Islamist Libya Dawn fighters in Tripoli. The plane had stopped in Kufra for refueling when it was intercepted.


In the past five days, Boko Haram has seized three towns in Borno state, including Bama, and two in Adamawa, with a combined total population of over 170,000 people. Boko Haram militants stormed the towns, killing residents and burning homes, including that of the acting governor of Adamawa. A Borno senator warned that the terror […]


Nicolas Henin, a French reporter who was held hostage by ISIS in Syria after being captured in June 2013, said that Mehdi Nemmouche, a suspect in the murder of four people at a Jewish museum in Brussels in May, was among his captors in Syria and that he was a torturer. Henin was freed along […]


Canada to send military advisers to help Iraq counter ISIS


US: ‘No plans’ for military coordination with Iran over IS