Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

United States

President Obama told senior lawmakers he has the authority to carry out the plans for action against the Islamic State that he will announce tomorrow. The family of slain American journalist Stephen Sotloff claimed that his whereabouts in Syria was sold to the ISIS by a so-called moderate Syrian rebel group; the White House denied […]


A suicide bombing in Idlib killed Hassan Abboud, who is the head of Ahar al Sham and the Islamic Front’s political leader, along with more than a dozen other leaders among some 50 said to be attending a meeting. Influential al Qaeda leaders mourned the deaths; one said Abboud had been in direct contact with […]


A Beirut hospital is treating six Al Nusrah Front terrorists wounded during clashes in Arsal last month; three are Lebanese, two are Syrians, and one is a Chechen. One of the six is said to be “very dangerous.” Two rockets from Arsal landed in the Bekaa Valley. One of the Lebanese soldiers abducted by Al […]


A Boko Haram spokesman reportedly claimed that Bama in Borno state remains in the hands of the terror group. Some 20 policemen are still missing following Boko Haram’s attack on Gwoza last month. Residents of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, and Yolo, the capital of Adamawa, are apprehensive about Boko Haram’s advance in the northeast. […]


A top Kenyan antiterrorism police official said two German men suspected of membership in Shabaab were being held after arriving in Nairobi from Somalia on Aug. 29. Members of the Mombasa Republican Committee rejected allegations by the chief of police that the group is linked to Shabaab.


Authorities arrested Steven N., 26, Abdullah W., 28, and Abdulsalam W., 23., all German nationals, at Hamburg airport on Sept. 6 on suspicion of membership in Shabaab; they had just arrived from Mombasa in Kenya. Two more Islamist terror suspects were arrested in Simbach am Inn while on their way to Syria; and two German […]

United Kingdom

The UK is sending £1.6 worth of arms and ammunition to the Iraqi government and the Kurdish regional government in Iraq to help them in their battle against the Islamic State. Defence Secretary Fallon described the shipment as “an initial gifting package” sent at the request of the Iraqi government.


UN Security Council to set out plan to stop foreign fighters joining extremist groups in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere


A President Whose Assurances Have Come Back to Haunt Him


Chile government to beef up security following bomb attack

Al Qaeda

Killing and preaching, Nigerian militants carve out ‘caliphate’


Reconnaissance aircraft at high altitudes were spotted in Hasakah and Raqqah where the Islamic State is operating. At least 10 fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front were killed in clashes with regime forces in Reef Dimashq, where Al Nusrah executed a man accused of spying for the regime. In Hama, an […]

United Arab Emirates

Trial began for 11 of 15 suspects accused of supporting al Qaeda-linked groups, namely the Al Nusrah Front and the Ahrar al Sham; nine of the suspects are Emiratis, two are Syrians, and four are from the Comoros Islands. The Emiratis are accused of joining the two groups; five suspects are accused of other terrorism-related […]


The state court ordered five men held on terrorism charges for sending fighters to extremist groups in Iraq and Syria. Three suspects had returned from fighting in Syria; a fourth, Husein Bosnic a.k.a. Bilal, the head of Bosnia’s Salafist movement, has called for young Muslims to join the Islamic State. The five suspects are among […]


The Islamic State said that Abou al-Hassan al-Filastini a.k.a. Ahmed Taha, its emir for Qalamoun, was killed while fighting the Lebanese Army in Arsal on Aug. 4. Taha was said to have earlier joined the Abdullah Azzam Brigades. The Army arrested three Syrians and three Lebanese in Ras Baalbek yesterday, and confiscated “109 detonators, reels, […]


A judge has postponed sentencing in the terrorism trial of al Qaeda-linked cleric Abu Qatada a.k.a. Omar Mahmoud Othman until Sept. 24. Qatada has continued to denounce the Islamic State, saying its caliphate is a “bubble that will soon burst.” A government spokesman recently claimed that Jordan’s borders are secured from terrorists and smuggling, and […]