Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The head of a Lagos megachurch whose guesthouse suddenly collapsed on Sept. 12, killing at least 44 people, said he had been threatened by Boko Haram and accused the group of causing the building to collapse. About 130 people, mainly women, have been rescued from the rubble of the building. Speculation continued as to the […]


The trial of Kreshnik Berisha, an ethnic Kosovan from Frankfurt who is the first German accused of membership in the Islamic State, has begun. He had traveled to Syria in the summer of 2013 and was arrested in Frankfurt in December on his return. German authorities announced on Sept. 12 that they will start prosecuting […]

United States

Secretary of State Kerry said the US will not coordinate airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria with the Assad government, but that the US will try to ensure that US and Syrian forces do not conflict with each other. He also said airstrikes alone will not defeat the IS, and stated that the fighting […]


The Syrian Revolutionaries Front displayed the dead bodies of two members of a four-man suicide bombing team who had tried to attack the SRF in Idlib. A regime airstrike on a dormitory at an IS training camp in Tibni in Deir Izzour killed 17 militants and a child. The IS issued a set of rules […]


Syrian jets shelled a 400-meter tunnel near the border town of Arsal. The Al Nusrah Front released a video showing two kidnapped Lebanese soldiers pleading for the release of Islamist inmates from Roumieh Prison. Al Nusrah also warned Lebanese politicians that Hezbollah must be pulled out of Syria “in order to preserve the safety of […]


The Parliament fired the Central Bank governor and said the Grand Mufti will be sacked soon. Prime Minister al Thinni accused Qatar of sending three military planes laden with weapons for the Islamist coalition Libya Dawn to Mitiga Airport. Libya has also accused Sudan of sending a plane with supplies for Libya Dawn, but it […]


The UN mission reported that one Chadian peacekeeper was killed and four were seriously wounded when their vehicle hit a landmine near Aguelhok in northeastern Mali. The head of the UN mission condemned the attack as a war crime.


A Nigerian Air Force jet with two pilots aboard went missing in Adamawa state on Sept. 12; the jet had been involved in fighting Boko Haram. That same day, hours after battling the Army in Konduga, about 50 Boko Haram militants stormed the village of Ngom, 12 miles outside of Maiduguri, and killed a number […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron vowed that Britain will hunt down the Islamic State killers of UK citizen David Haines. He listed steps the UK will take against the Islamic State, including supporting US airstrikes, but did not indicate that the UK will be conducting airstrikes. Police are questioning a man who boarded a crowded train in […]


Prime Minister Abbott said Australia is sending 600 troops, as well as eight Super Hornet fighter jets and two other aircraft, to the UAE for possible deployment against the Islamic State in the Middle East, at the request of the US government. The father of Australian IS jihadist Mohamed Elomar warned Australians to watch for […]


Immigration authorities said they plan to send extremist cleric Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips back to Canada; Philips, who is banned from United States, Britain, Australia, Kenya, and Bangladesh, was detained by authorities in Davao a few days ago as he presented a security threat. Intelligence officials said they are monitoring the movement of Philippine jihadists […]

United States

The Pentagon said yesterday that the US has carried out about 160 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq over the last month, and that it is preparing to “to be more aggressive going forward” in the US counterterrorism campaign. The Pentagon also plans to oversee training of some 5,000 Syrian rebels in Saudi Arabia […]


Egypt’s Brotherhood says leaders to quit Qatar haven


Report: France aided Somalia al Shabaab leader assassination


State media claimed that Khaled Maarouf, a son of Syrian Revolutionaries Front leader Jamal Maarouf, was killed in a “terrorist attack” car bombing at an SRF checkpoint in Deir Sinbul in Idlib; another report said Jamal may also have been injured in the attack. The SRF recently agreed to a ceasefire with the Islamic State […]


Authorities conducted raids in Tripoli, and arrested three men wanted by Interpol, including Sami Mohammed Dib Bakir a.k.a. Minaa, a Syrian said to be a dangerous member of the Al Nusrah Front. State media also reported “moves by Nusrah-linked armed groups.” Gunmen kidnapped a Lebanese man in Arsal reportedly because he was working with Hezbollah.


Islamist Libya Dawn forces continued their onslaught in Warshefana, raining down 350 rockets yesterday in a barrage that killed 38 people and wounded over 80. The area is now besieged, as residents fear leaving their homes due to shelling, and roads have been blocked by Libya Dawn forces; Warshefana forces defending the area are outnumbered […]


Struggling to Starve ISIS of Oil Revenue, US Seeks Assistance From Turkey


Iraq PM says will protect civilians after US-Iraq air strikes against Islamic State