Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Obama, After Airstrikes in Syria, Says US Will ‘Take the Fight’ to ISIS


US told Iran of intent to strike Islamic State in Syria


A man who had threatened Prime Minister Abbott and was being investigated as a suspected Islamic State terrorist was shot and killed after he stabbed two officers at a Melbourne police station, wounding one of them critically. The government has canceled the passports of over 60 Australians to stop them from traveling to the Middle […]


An angry crowd shot and killed an Ansar al Sharia gunman who had assassinated an army colonel in Benghazi. A prominent Benghazi blogger was killed on Sept. 20. The Libyan Judges’ Association denounced the recent spike in Benghazi murders. Libya Dawn forces attacked Zahra Hospital. The rival Hassi government seized the Oil Ministry. A small […]


Fears in Lebanon rise over Western plans to defeat IS


Egypt’s border with Libya and Sudan ripe for Islamic State expansion


US, France propose UN sanctions on 15 foreign Islamist fighters


Security forces are investigating reports that Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau was killed by Cameroonian military forces on Sept. 17 in northern Nigeria. A number of Boko Haram fighters surrendered after clashes with the Nigerian military in Konduga that reportedly left some 50 insurgents dead. Boko Haram has been negotiating since August with government and […]


Islamic State urges attacks on US, French citizens, taunts Obama


A video surfaced that shows a Frenchman claiming to have been recently kidnapped by Jund al Khilafah, an Islamic State-linked group in Algeria, and asking France not to intervene in Iraq. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said “France is not afraid,” in response to the IS’ latest threats against France and the West. France asked the UN […]


DOD highlights information from Iraq as emphasis shifts away from Afghanistan


A bomb detonated near the Foreign Ministry in Cairo, killing at least four people. Three bombs also exploded simultaneously in Tanta with a fourth bomb in Mahalla. Another bomb detonated on the Cairo-Zagazig railway. Sixteen detainees escaped Mahalla police station on Sept. 19 after setting a fire with clothes and blankets.


Security forces have arrested a number of suspected Islamic State members who are thought to have been planning terrorist attacks in Jordan; they have admitted to links with IS commanders in Syria. So far 11 of the suspects have been charged, and investigations are ongoing. Senior Muslim Brotherhood official Mohamed Saeed Bakri was arrested last […]


Iran seeks give and take on Islamic State militants, nuclear program


US military struggles to preserve options in Islamic State fight


German authorities arrested two suspected Shabaab operatives, 30-year-old German-Tunisian dual citizen Mounir T. and 22-year-old German citizen Abdiwahid W., on their arrival in Frankfurt yesterday after being deported from Kenya. On Aug. 29, Kenyan antiterrorism police had arrested German nationals Warsame Abdul Wahid and Tebourbe Mounir in Nairobi after they arrived from Somalia; they were […]


Yemeni government reaches agreement with Shia Houthi rebels