Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s Khorasan cell is ‘clear and present danger’ to commercial flights, US official says

Islamic State

Syrian rebel force of 12,000-15,000 needed to roll back Islamic State in eastern Syria: General Dempsey


Coalition airstrikes have halted most of the oil production in Deir Izzour, a source of Islamic State income, and a coalition airstrike today killed a senior IS official near Deir Izzour city. Coalition airstrikes also targeted an IS headquarters in Menbej city in Aleppo, as well as IS camps, checkpoints, and facilities in Raqqah. Some […]


Abou Malek al Talleh, the Al Nusrah Front’s emir for Qalamoun, warned that “jihadists are in their thousands across Lebanon, awaiting the permission to start the battle” and that Al Nusrah has “managed to break all the security barriers in all Lebanese regions,” and he promised a quick solution to inmates of Roumieh Prison. A […]


Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt said Denmark will send four operational planes and three reserve aircraft to join the international coalition’s air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq. Parliament is expected to approve the plan, which also includes the deployment of 250 pilots and support staff, next week. Authorities reported that 349 blank passports had been […]

United Kingdom

The Parliament voted to approve the deployment of six Tornado jets to support the air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq. Defence Secretary Fallon said the campaign would be long and would not consist of a “series of immediate hits,” and would be aimed at preventing the “slaughter of civilians” by the terrorist organization. […]


French, US planes strike Islamic State, Britain to join coalition


Hours after tourist killed, France says does not rule out Syria strikes


International coalition airstrikes targeted Islamic State headquarters and facilities in Deir Izzour, including oil wells under IS control; as well as oil refineries in Hasakah. Assad regime airstrikes in Deir Ezzor, Raqqah, Hasaka, Homs, Aleppo, and Idlib have declined over the past two days since coalition airstrikes began. Kurdish YPG forces clashed with the IS […]


Police said that Abdul Numan Haider, 18, an Islamic State supporter who was shot dead at a Melbourne police station after stabbing two policemen, may not have acted alone. Haider had been investigating the travel plans of Prime Minister Abbott. Islamic State recruiter Mohammad Ali Baryalei reportedly was influenced by the speeches of al Qaeda […]


Sources: Libya asks chemical weapons watchdog to remove stockpile


Belgium, Netherlands to offer fighter jets for ISIS strikes

Al Qaeda

Obama asks UN to help ‘dismantle this network of death’ in Iraq and Syria

Al Qaeda

Abu Qatada cleared of terror charges by Jordan court and released from jail


Sirajuddine Zureiqat, a spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, is said to be now involved in the hostage situation involving at least 21 Lebanese troops kidnapped by the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front. Unnamed militants opened fire on three Army checkpoints in Tripoli, wounding a soldier.


Militants in Benghazi have conducted a number of assassinations over the past few days, killing eight people yesterday alone, and kidnapping a Ukrainian anaesthetist and his wife. Fighting between rival Islamist groups in Derna killed six people. The property of the new Interior Minister was torched in Tripoli and Misrata. The rival government headed by […]