Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The Parliament authorized the deployment of Turkish troops in Syria and Iraq and the temporary basing of foreign troops in Turkey; the opposition called the vote an attempt to curry favor with the West and topple the Assad regime, not a serious move against the Islamic State. Authorities arrested 16 female anti-Islamic State protesters on […]


Security sources claimed that the military has killed Mohamed Abu Shatiya, a field commander for Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis), during clashes south of Rafah. Two tonnes of explosives were seized by security forces from a nearby tunnel into Gaza. The terror group has released a video threatening to conduct attacks during Eid al-Adha, […]


Islamic State committing ‘staggering’ crimes in Iraq: UN report


A double suicide car bombing attack on Saiqa special forces and Operation Dignity troops at Benghazi’s Benina airbase has killed at least 12 people and wounded 60. Islamists also killed four troops in a separate clash in the city. The Rafallah Al-Sahati Brigade, which is part of the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shoura Council and closely linked […]


Boko Haram released a new video purporting to show leader Abubakar Shekau dismissing reports of his death; the Nigerian military said it is studying the video but maintains that Shekau is dead. In proceedings closed to journalists, the High Court in Lagos sentenced three Boko Haram members each to 25 years in prison for terrorism […]

United Kingdom

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg, who had been jailed on terrorism charges, including the allegation that he attended a terrorist training camp in Syria between October 2012 and April 2013, was released from Belmarsh Prison after charges were dropped. The West Midlands police chief refused to discuss the “new material” that led to the dismissal […]


US civilian casualty standard eased in Iraq, Syria


Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey will fight the Islamic State “and all other terrorist organizations in the region.” Turkey is planning to establish safe havens inside northern Syria to protect areas controlled by the Free Syrian Army and the Islamic Front. The government is also asking Parliamentary approval for deployment of Turkish troops abroad and […]


A man was killed and three people were wounded in clashes that erupted after Benghazi residents attacked an Ansar al Sharia checkpoint. At least 13 people have been killed in three days of clashes between the Awlad Suleiman and Qaddadfa tribes in Sebha. Fighting in Derna between militants from the Ansar al Sharia-linked Abu Slim […]


Justice Minister Louh said Algerian authorities have identified the suspects who beheaded French tourist HervĂ© Gourdel on Sept. 24 in the Djurdjura Mountains. Gourdel was kidnapped on Sept. 21 by Jund al-Khalifa fi Ard al-Jazayer (“Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria”), a newly emerged terror group led by Abdelmalek El Gouri a.k.a. Khaled Abou Souleiman, […]


President Aquino said the Philippines will refuse “impossible or unclear” UN missions, after the UN refused Philippine peacekeeping troops’ requests for more weapons to fight off al Qaeda militants in the Golan area along the Syrian border and ordered the Philippine troops to surrender to secure the release of kidnapped Fijian peacekeepers. Military and intelligence […]


Political temperature rises in Baghdad amid Islamic State threat


Police have arrested UK citizen Samiun Rahman a.k.a. Ibn Hamdan, who arrived in Bangladesh in February to recruit fighters from Bangladesh and Myanmar for the Islamic State and for the Al Nusrah Front. Hamdan had fought in Syria in late 2013 and had also gone to Mauritania and Morocco. His arrest followed the arrest of […]

United States

In the biggest day yet in the air campaign against the Islamic State, the US and the UK jointly launched 24 strikes against the group in Iraq and Syria, bringing the totals so far to 233 in Iraq and at least 62 in Syria. The US signed an agreement with the new Afghan government to […]


Balkans launch fight against jihadist recruitment


Islamic State selling Iraq’s artifacts in black market: UNESCO

Iran to equip Lebanese army for fight against Islamic State, Al Nusrah Front


The Islamic State has seized 325 Kurdish villages around Ayn al Arab. The Islamic State beheaded four YPG fighters, three of whom were female, and displayed their heads in Jarabulus. The leader of Kurdish PYD forces called for weapons for Kurdish fighters outgunned by the Islamic State in Kobani. Turkey claimed that the Islamic State […]

Al Qaeda

‘One and the same’? Officials give conflicting statements on al Qaeda ties to ‘Khorasan’


Special Report: Islamic State uses grain to tighten grip in Iraq


Schoolgirl jihadis: the female Islamists leaving home to join Islamic State fighters