Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


‘Boots in the air’: US helicopters return to combat in Iraq for first time


Pentagon yet to decide on Syrian rebel force central to offensive against Islamic State


The Defense Ministry rejected a media report that among those targeted in coalition airstrikes against the Al Nusrah Front in Syria last month was a French intelligence operative who had defected to al Qaeda; he is said to have survived the strikes and to be leading fighters in Irbil. The Foreign Ministry refused to comment. […]

United Kingdom

RAF jets carried out an airstrike last night against Islamic State fighters near Ramadi who were firing on Iraqi forces. Whitehall officials acknowledged the credibility of reports that two British jihadists were among some 180 Islamic State fighters swapped last month by Turkey for 46 Turkish personnel held captive by the IS in Mosul. The […]


Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers


ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown to Have Origins in US and China


A female Kurdish YPG commander carried out a suicide bombing against an Islamic State position outside Kobane. Another female Kurdish fighter near Kobane killed herself with her last bullet to avoid being taken captive by the IS. Turkey has closed the border crossing at Kobane, while clashes continue and IS is using heavy weapons. Coalition […]


Clashes erupted at Hezbollah bases from Baalbek to Arsal between Syria-based Al Nusrah Front fighters and Hezbollah forces seeking to repel them; at least 16 Al Nusrah fighters, including commander Mohammed Khalid Hamza Suhaib, and two Hezbollah fighters were said to have been killed. Other reports said the infiltrators were from the Islamic State. The […]


Security forces arrested four men in Port Said suspected of recruiting fighters for the Islamic State. The Sinai-based terrorist group Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis) released a video showing three Egyptians being beheaded and a fourth being shot dead; the group had accused the men of serving as spies for Israel and Egypt.


Germany plans expanded engagement against Islamic State in Iraq


Somali and African Union forces have taken partial control of Barawe, a coastal town held by Shabaab for the past six years. Shabaab fighters were said to have made a tactical retreat from the town two days ago. Some 25 Shabaab fighters were killed in clashes outside Barawe over the past two days. Jubbaland president […]


A suicide bombing outside a Grozny concert hall, where celebrations marking City Day and the birthday of Chechnya president Ramzan Kadyrov were taking place, killed five policemen and wounded at least eight other people. The bomber, 19-year-old local resident Opti Mudarov, had been stopped at a security checkpoint near the entrance to the hall.

United Kingdom

Police are investigating the appearance of UK jihadist Abu Saeed al Britani in a recent IS video. Prime Minister Cameron called for a special forces raid to capture IS executioner “Jihadi John.” Ex-Gitmo inmate Moazzem Begg is planning to sue the British government on false imprisonment charges; he has admitted to having been “involved in […]


Coalition warplanes struck at targets in Deir Izzour, where the Islamic State is reportedly paying children to publicize the group; in Aleppo; in Hama near Morek, where regime forces are fighting the Islamic Front; in Hasakah, where 30 non-Syrian IS fighters were killed; in Idlib, reattacking Salma; in Latakia; and in Reef Dimashq. The Al […]


Kurds issue desperate call to arms as Islamic State closes in


The Army repelled an attempt by gunmen in Wadi Hmeid and al-Masyadeh to infiltrate near Arsal. Jihadists in the area are said to be seeking access to Arsal for food and fuel. Lebanese forces discovered a 50-kilogram bomb set to detonate near a military checkpoint outside Arsal and disabled it. A few days earlier, over […]


Vatican seeks Mideast Christians’ right of return