Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Syrian National Coalition Fails to Elect New Prime Minister


A farewell to beards: Men shaving to avoid jihadist stigma in southeast Turkey


Iraq crisis: 180,000 flee IS advance in Anbar, UN says


US and Saudi aircraft conducted seven airstrikes targeting the Islamic State in Aleppo near Kobane and one strike on a garrison in Raqqah; the airstrikes also targeted refineries used by the IS. The Islamic State advanced in Kobane after carrying out a suicide bombing with an armored vehicle and at least one other bombing with […]


Sirajeddine Zureiqat, said to be the new emir of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, urged followers to attack the “puppetmaster” Hezbollah, not the Lebanese Army. Syrian terrorist suspects Ahmad Atef Jenayat and Saleh Mohammad Halloum were referred to the judiciary; Jenayat is linked to a June suicide bombing plot involving slain facilitator Monzer al […]


Halis Bayancuk a.k.a. Abu Hanzala, the alleged head of al Qaeda in Turkey who was arrested with dozens of other operatives on Jan. 14, was released under a new court system introduced in July. Among those detained on Jan. 14 was İbrahim Şen, an ex-Gitmo detainee and a top al Qaeda leader in the Middle […]


Sources said that Ansar al Sharia’s leader for Benghazi, Mohammed al Zahawi, was wounded or killed in recent clashes at Benina Airport and has been taken to a Sirte hospital. The Islamic State is reportedly planning to start broadcasting from a TV station based in Sirte. Suspected Islamist gunmen vandalized a historic Sufi madrassa in […]


A bomb planted in the car of a senior police officer in Mogadishu exploded, injuring two mechanics who were working on the vehicle. Shabaab was blamed for a car bombing that killed at least 10 people in Mogadishu yesterday.


Authorities arrested a man on blackmail charges for last week threatening a Brussels businessman with beheading if he did not come up with 50,000 euros to help jihadists traveling to Syria; the prosecutor’s office said it was unclear whether the incident was terrorism-related. Belgian fighter jets began carrying out airstrikes against Islamic State targets in […]

United Kingdom

Authorities arrested three men in central London suspected of terrorism-related crimes, and searched a business and four homes in the city. Three of the five men arrested last week on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks on the UK remain in custody.


Turkey opens its bases for US and coalition forces in fight against ISIS


French investigators in Algeria to probe monks’ 1996 murders


Suspected Shabaab militants detonated a car bomb in the center of Mogadishu, the capital city, killing at least seven people. Kenyan jets targeted Shabaab bases in Middle Jubba yesterday; a Kenyan commander of the AMISOM force claimed that some 60 Shabaab fighters were killed. A journalist working for a British-Somali TV station was critically wounded […]


US general sees bigger role ‘advising and assisting’ Iraqi forces


President Biya announced that 27 hostages kidnapped by Boko Haram months ago, including 10 Chinese workers and the wife of the deputy prime minister, were released to Cameroonian authorities. Suspected Boko Haram gunmen stormed Nigerian refugee camps in Kereomafa, across the border from Borno state, killing “many” refugees and seizing women; the attackers are said […]


President Hollande of France said that on Oct. 9 French forces destroyed an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb convoy in northern Niger that was transporting weapons from Mali to Libya. French forces “neutralized” the militants and captured some of them. France is establishing a new counterterrorism base in Niger.


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Deir Izzour; fought against the Islamic Front in Aleppo; and continued to try to advance against Kurdish YPG forces in the area around Kobane. The US-led air campaign carried out six airstrikes against the Islamic State near Kobane over the past two days. Over 550 people have been […]


The Islamic State reportedly captured Kurdish headquarters in Kobane and took over at least 40 percent of the town. Coalition airstrikes targeted the Islamic State in Kobane; IS fighters are said to be raising Kurdish YPG flags to mislead the coalition, and to be wearing YPG uniforms to infiltrate Kurdish areas. The IS battled YPG […]