Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Security forces arrested influential al Qaeda-linked cleric Abu Mohammad al Maqdisi on Oct. 27, on charges of using the Internet to incite terrorism. Former Prime Minister Marouf al Bakhit recently estimated that up to 4,000 Jordanians are active in the Islamic State. Some 20 Jordanian clerics are said to have taken leadership positions in the […]

United Kingdom

An appellate court upheld the extended sentences for convicted terrorists Richard Dart a.k.a. Salahuddin al-Britani, Zahid Iqbal, and Mohammed Sharfaraz Ahmed, on the grounds that the three men posed a continuing threat to society. The Government Prosecution Service reported that the number of persons arrested in the UK under European Arrest Warrants has risen significantly, […]

United States

Gen. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said US advisers should be deployed to Iraq’s Anbar province, where Iraqi troops are battling the advance of the Islamic State. US officials said that the rate of foreign fighters flowing into Syria, about 1,000 per month, is remaining constant; this appears to be the case […]


UN envoy proposes ‘freeze zones’ to ease Syria fighting


UK government can be sued over rendition claims, judges rule


The state-owned utility EDF said complaints have been filed against the unnamed persons who have flown drones over seven of France’s nuclear plants between Oct. 5 and Oct. 20. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said an investigation has been launched and measures are being taken to neutralize the drones. Foreign Minister Le Drian said a French paratrooper […]


For Turkey and US, at odds over Syria, a 60-year alliance shows signs of crumbling


Turkish authorities claimed that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was responsible for the murder of three Turkish soldiers in Hakkari on Oct. 25, but the PKK denied responsibility. A Turkish officer was shot by masked men in Diyarbakır. An estimated 50 to 150 Free Syrian Army soldiers crossed over from Turkey into Syria to assist […]


Security was heightened during the trial of 46 members of the terrorist group Sharia4Belgium in Antwerp on Oct. 27 after reports surfaced that defendant Fouad Belcakem was planning to escape. The trial against the terrorist group, which is suspected of sending fighters to Syria, began on Sept. 29. Only eight defendants were present; the other […]

United Kingdom

Antiterrorism police arrested a man in east London who is suspected of Syria-related terrorism offenses. Police are questioning a man who doused himself with gasoline and tried to set himself on fire outside the Woolwich barracks, close to the spot where British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered by Islamist extremists in May 2013.


Iraqi Peshmerga arrive in Turkey to head for Syria


Australia trying to confirm death of IS militant Mohammad Ali Baryalei