Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Afghan Interior Ministry denies reports of Afghan Local Police selling weapons to Taliban


Overview of French nuclear sites by drones raises questions

Al Qaeda

British Intelligence Official Says US Tech Companies Offer Terrorists ‘Networks of Choice’

United Kingdom

A Bangladeshi man was arrested in Cornwall on suspicion of Syria-related terrorist activity. The head of Britain’s GCHQ warned that US-based Internet services “have become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals,” and said the GCHQ, MI5, and the Secret Intelligence Service will need more cooperation from the private sector. A government audit […]


President Aquino urged the armed forces to crush the extremist group Abu Sayyaf and bring its members to justice; he estimated that the group consists of 200 members and at least 200 additional followers. Abu Sayyaf fighters ambushed Philippine troops who were guarding a road project yesterday in Basilan, killing six of them and reportedly […]

United States

Prosecutors revealed that Mohammed Hamzah Khan, 19, of suburban Chicago, had tried to take his 17-year-old sister and his 16-year-old brother with him to join the Islamic State in the Middle East. The head of US forces in Europe said more rotational troops are needed to address security challenges in Eastern Europe. The US is […]


Kadyrov: ‘Most Chechens In Syria Grew Up In Western Countries’


Pakistan border attack shows Islamists′ strength


Spy agencies averted more deaths in Pakistan-India border bomb: sources

United Kingdom

Erol Incedal, 26, a Turkish-born Briton currently on trial for suspected terrorist activity including a plot targeting former prime minister Tony Blair, also tried to plan a robbery with three sons of extremist cleric Abu Hamza – Hamza, Sufyan, and Yaasir. Counterterrorism police are investigating the hacking of a Yorkshire rugby club’s website by Islamic […]


A Shia Muslim man was shot outside an Islamic center in southwest Sydney, reportedly by local Islamic State supporters. Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar, two Australians who joined the Islamic State in Syria in late 2013, have been linked to Australian construction kingpin George Alex, who is currently under investigation for corrupt business practices.


Canadian fighter jets dropped laser-guided missiles on Islamic State targets near Fallujah in Iraq, in the first Canadian airstrikes of the campaign against the terrorist group. Defense Minister Nicholson said that “[t]oday’s strike demonstrates our government’s firm resolve to tackle the threat of terrorism and to stand with our allies.” An intelligence official of the […]


Swiss authorities acknowledged that three Iraqi men arrested in March are suspected of planning terrorist attacks in Europe with explosives and toxic gases. The three suspects also allegedly facilitated the travel of 40 fighters from Switzerland to the Islamic State in the Middle East. Reports said two of the men lived in Switzerland and the […]


Kreshnik B,. who is on trial for joining the Islamic State in Syria, told the court that he still wants to die a martyr. Security officials estimate that some 50 people have left Germany to join the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Syria, and that there are about 13,000 members of the banned organization in […]

United Kingdom

The Foreign Office issued a warning to Britons living or traveling abroad to be vigilant due to the threat from persons and groups “motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria.” The heightened threat is said to generalized, not a reflection of specific intelligence. RAF jets intercepted a Russian military jet as it approached British […]


Extremist cleric Yasin Abu Bakr, the leader of Jamaat Al Muslimeen who was recently extradited from Jamaica, is suing the state for wrongful arrest for the murder of a man in 1998. Ashmead Mohammed, a Trinidadian, has reportedly been identified as fighting for the Islamic State in Syria; about 50 Trinidadians are said to have […]


Jamaican extremist cleric Abdullah el Faisal posted a statement on social media denouncing as “hypocrites” those Muslims who do not follow the Islamic State. On Oct. 16, Jamaican authorities deported Trinidadian extremist Muslim leader Yasin Abu Bakr home to Trinidad.


Fearing uprising, Islamic State militants hunt former Iraqi police

United States

The State Department warned to US citizens in the Middle East to be vigilant, following an online jihadist threat against American and international schools. In its latest report on the Afghan war, the Pentagon said violence in Afghanistan fell by 30 percent between April and August, but warned that insurgent sanctuaries in Pakistan and Afghan […]