Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Authorities are seeking to determine the veracity of reports that an Australian man has died in Syria fighting for the Islamic State; if confirmed, it will be the third such incident in a month. The Islamic State and the Al Nusrah Front have seized thousands of hectares of cropland in Syria and Iraq developed by […]


US-led airstrikes target Islamic State leaders in Iraq: report


Syrian official: negotiations with US blocked by Saudi Arabia


Russian Media Suggests Moscow ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Gang Linked To Islamic State, Central Asia

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police yesterday announced the arrest of four men suspected of involvement in an Islamist plot to conduct an attack in the UK, possibly against an upcoming public event. MI5 and counterterrorism police conducted three armed raids, and a number of properties are being searched in the ongoing investigation. Extremist cleric Anjem Choudary said he […]

United States

President Obama authorized the sending of an additional 1,500 US troops to Iraq, raising the number of US troops in country to almost 3,000. American trainers will be deployed across Iraq. He also plans to ask Congress for $5 billion for military operations against the Islamic State. Taliban commander Irek Hamidullin, the first Afghan detainee […]


Peshmergas blunt, don’t break, Islamic State siege of Syria’s Kobane


Iraq’s top cleric says graft in army helped Islamic State

United States

The US military conducted airstrikes in Syria’s Idlib province near the Turkish border against the so-called Khorasan group, an al Qaeda cell within the Al Nusrah Front that “was plotting to attack in Europe or the homeland.” The five targets of the strikes included an Al Nusrah headquarters and an Ahrar al Sham compound. President […]


After the PST warned of an increased likelihood of terrorist attacks on police and military forces as well as political figures in Norway, security was stepped up. The PST said the Islamic State’s call for attacks on coalition countries must be viewed “in the context of changes to the modus operandi of extreme Islamist terror […]


Kenyan Muslim cleric Salim Bakari Mwarangi shot dead in Mombasa

New Zealand

Prime Minister Key said New Zealand will not send combat troops to the Middle East to fight the Islamic State, but that his country may send military trainers. New Zealand authorities are monitoring 30 to 40 extremists, of whom some have fought in Syria, some have been involved in terrorist financing, and some have had […]

United States

Fawzi al Odah, 37, a Kuwaiti man held at Guantanamo for nearly 13 years on suspicion of links to al Qaeda leaders, was released to Kuwait. Following the Republican Party’s taking control of the Senate as well as the House in yesterday’s election, President Obama said he will work with Congress to develop a new […]

United Kingdom

The Defence Ministry said UK military trainers will be deployed to Iraq to help Iraqi forces in the battle against the Islamic State. A passenger bus caught fire and exploded in south London; the cause has not been established. A Bangladeshi man arrested yesterday in Cornwall on suspicion of terrorism was released on bail.

United States

Representatives of the US, Britain, and France have asked the United Nations to add Ansar al Sharia in Libya to the global terrorist sanctions list. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said no further troop reductions in Europe are on the horizon. Irek Hamidullin, a Taliban commander who was captured in Afghanistan in 2009 […]


Major US army division ends operations in Afghanistan 13 years after it arrived