Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Yazidi Girls Seized by ISIS Speak Out After Escape


Indonesian authorities denied media reports that 350 members of the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group are being released from prison, and said in any event there are only about 274 terrorist inmates. Malaysia’s counterterrorism police chief said the releases will take place over the next two years. A human rights group warned that the […]

United States

CENTCOM said the US and its coalition partners have conducted 20 strikes in Syria since Nov. 12, including one strike west of Aleppo against al Qaeda’s “Khorasan” network; 19 of the strikes targeted the Islamic State in three provinces. US and coalition forces have also targeted the Islamic State in Iraq since Nov. 12, carrying […]


IS ‘Changing Tactics’ In Iraq, Making Militants Harder To Strike

Islamic State

What IS Militants Fantasize About: Fighter Jets, White Horses, And Destroying Big Ben


Samantha Power, US Ambassador, Issues Warning on Anti-Semitism in Europe


A court sentenced French citizen Flavien Moreau, 27, a Muslim convert with a prior criminal record, to seven years in prison for joining Islamist militants in Syria. Interior Minister Cazeneuve has said that authorities have been monitoring about 350 possible jihadists, including some 80 minors and 150 women, and have prevented at least 70 people […]


Government soldiers clashed with Abu Sayyaf militants in the mountains on Sulu during a raid on a camp in Talipao where some 300 militants were reportedly based. At least 14 Abu Sayyaf fighters and five soldiers were killed, and 26 soldiers were wounded in the hours-long gun battle. A group of 50 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom […]

United States

Joint Chiefs chair Gen. Dempsey said the US is considering sending a small number of US combat troops to fight alongside Iraqi forces against the Islamic State. Dempsey also said some 15,000 Syrian rebels will be needed to pressure Islamic State forces in northern and eastern Syria. Defense Secretary Hagel claimed that the coalition air […]


The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem


Turkey’s role in Libya adds to pro-Islamist perception


Authorities today released 12 members of the Turkish Youth Union (TGB) who were arrested for assaulting three US sailors yesterday in Istanbul. The US Navy, Turkish national police, and the US Embassy are working together to investigate the incident. Authorities have arrested 386 people in connection with protests in early October against the Islamic State’s […]


State police arrested 11 people in raids in five towns, including Sarajevo; the suspects are thought to be involved in financing and recruitment of terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria. Several of the suspects are thought to have fought with jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria, and some had weapons and explosives.


Four men who belonged al Qaeda’s “Dusseldorf cell” and had planned to detonate two cluster bombs amid a large crowd in Germany were sentenced to jail terms ranging from four to nine years. The plans for the attack were found on the hard drive of one of Osama bin Laden’s computers. Antiterrorism police in Cologne […]


The national antiterrorism coordinator said 12 suspected Islamist militants were arrested in the Hague yesterday, and added that authorities are conducting 30 investigations involving some 60 people suspected of recruiting fighters for extremist groups in the Middle East. The mayor of the Hague said municipalities need government help in monitoring returning jihadists; about 30 of […]


Iraq’s Kurds appeal for new US arms to combat Islamic State