Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

United States

CENTCOM said the US and partner nations have conducted 11 airstrikes in Iraq and 11 in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. Secretary of State Kerry said that the US and the UK are thinking of launching a special initiative to address the threat of Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighboring countries. The […]


Kenyan troops from the AMISOM force killed five Shabaab fighters and wounded several more during an ambush by the terrorist group in Lamu; one soldier was killed and three others were wounded. A prominent Kenyan newspaper apologized for publishing the cover of the magazine attacked by terrorists in Paris last week.


The head of cyberdefense for the French military warned that since last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris, cyberattacks have been launched against some 19,000 French websites; known Islamist hacker groups carried out a number of the attacks. French and Spanish authorities are looking into possible links between jihadists in Madrid and the terrorists who attacked […]


Two or three people are said to have been killed and several others arrested when counterterrorism forces conducted a raid in Vervier against a suspected Islamic State cell. The cell members were said to be planning attacks in Europe at the direction of Islamic State commanders; the jihadists had recently returned from Syria. Other raids […]


Jewish groups in Stockholm, Malmo, and Gothenburg reported an increase in threats to them following last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Two men, a woman, and a youth have been arrested for plotting and carrying out a bombing in Malmo on Christmas Eve.


A Turkish media report claimed that Syrian actress Shinda Khalil, 28, was stabbed to death by her brother in Horstens on Dec. 29 because she would not fund his travel to Syria to join the Islamic State. Justice Minister Frederiksen said Danish jihadists with the Islamic State who attack Danish forces will be charged with […]

United States

The FBI arrested Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, Ohio, an Islamic State sympathizer who is suspected of planning to set off bombs targeting US lawmakers in Washington, DC. Authorities stepped up security at airports after last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris and al Qaeda’s publishing of a new bomb recipe; American, French, and […]


Female Yazidi captives forced to give blood to wounded Islamist fighters: survivor


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed the Jan. 7 attack by Cherif and Said Kaouchi on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and said an attack by Amedy Coulibaly the same day on a Jewish market in Paris “coincided” with the AQAP attack. The print run for the “survivor” issue of Charlie Hebdo […]

United Kingdom

Top UK publisher bans mentions of pork or pigs in schoolbooks ‘so as not to offend Muslims or Jews’

United Kingdom

The lawyer for Shaker Aamer, a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay who is married to a Briton, claimed that Prime Minister Cameron said he will ask President Obama to release Aamer. Home Secretary May urged Parliament to pass legislation that would allow security services controlled access to Internet data so as to deny terrorists a […]


Authorities in Shanghai arrested 10 Turkish nationals accused of providing fake passports to suspected Uighur terrorists who were trying to leave China. Nine Uighurs suspected of terrorist activity were also arrested; some allegedly confessed to plans to travel to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria.


Suicide bomber in Saudi border attack recruited family members to join ISIS: source

United States

CENTCOM reported that the US and partner nations have conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq and four in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. Gen. Austin, the commander of CENTCOM, said that the hackers who briefly took over its Twitter and YouTube accounts yesterday did not compromise the CENTCOM network or obtain classified information; […]


The army claimed to have killed 143 Boko Haram fighters among a group of “several hundred” yesterday who had attacked the Kolofata base near the Nigerian border. The military also reported that one of its officers was killed and four soldiers were wounded in the battle. Communications Minister Bakary said it was the largest loss […]


Bulgarian police acting on European arrest warrants detained French citizen Fritz-Joly Joachin, who is of Haitian origin, as he was trying to cross over into Turkey from Bulgaria. Joachin reportedly had contacts with Cherif Kouachi, one of the twin brothers suspected in last week’s terrorist attack in Paris, shortly before leaving France for Turkey. A […]


Prime Minister Valls told Parliament that the country is at war with “terrorism, jihadism and radicalism” but emphasized that “France is not at war against Islam and Muslims.” The forthcoming issue of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, targeted by Islamic extremists in a deadly attack last week, will feature a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed […]