Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police arrested a man in Luton who is suspected of terrorist fundraising and incitement. Prime Minister Cameron claimed that the UK and Turkey are working closely to stop the movement of British jihadists through Turkey.

Al Qaeda

Senate Panel Faults CIA Over Brutality and Deceit in Interrogations


Iraq presses Hagel for more US airstrikes, weapons

United Kingdom

Security forces are taking seriously an “anonymous but credible” tip received of a plot to kidnap and kill a West Midlands police officer. In October, five members of a London gang who had allegedly sworn allegiance to the Islamic State were arrested for plotting to kill members of the city’s police force.


Germany Reportedly Concerned About Radicalization Of Chechen Diaspora

Al Qaeda

A Sikh Principal, Too English for a Largely Muslim School in Birmingham


US General: Islamic State fighters on their heels in Iraq


Jordan charges top Brotherhood figure over anti-UAE comments


Former Ottawa resident John Maguire a.k.a. Abu Anwar al-Canadi, a Muslim convert, appeared in an Islamic State video yesterday urging Canadian Muslims to conduct lone-wolf attacks in Canada or travel to the Middle East for jihad. Canada shuttered its embassy in Cairo due to security concerns and reportedly asked Egyptian authorities to close down roads […]


An official with Denmark’s NEC agency, which monitors gang activity, warned that radicalism is on the rise among gang members. Mohammad Rafiq, head of the International Institute of Human Rights, said immigrant gangs in several parts of Denmark are forcing people to conform to sharia law. The Defense Ministry announced that Danish soldiers have begun […]

United Kingdom

Muhammed Saleem, Tayyab Al-Riaz, and Valentina Miu, who were arrested on Dec. 6 by counterterrorism police in London, have been charged with fraud offenses; all three remain in custody. The UK closed its embassy in Cairo, Egypt due to security fears. Plans by the UK to open a naval base in Bahrain were met with […]

United States

The US released six Guantanamo detainees to Uruguay, including Jihad Ahmed Mujstafa Diyab, who had been assessed a “high-risk” detainee with extensive connections to al Qaeda’s global network. The US handed over Latif Mehsud and two others detained by US forces in Afghanistan in 2013 to Pakistani authorities. US officials said the unsuccessful raid to […]

United Arab Emirates

The British Embassy warned of the possibility of terrorist attacks against UK interests. An American doctor in Abu Dhabi praised security forces for protecting his family from an attempted bombing by the person suspected in the murder of an American teacher. An Emirati official said the suspect learned from terrorist websites how to make bombs.


After two years of captivity by Abu Sayyaf militants, Swiss bird watcher Lorenzo Vinceguerra escaped while Philippine troops fired rounds into the Abu Sayyaf camp in Patikul on Sulu. During the clash, Vinceguerra killed one of his captors, militant subcommander Juhurim Hussien, and was wounded by militant gunfire. In pursuit, Philippine troops later killed five […]

United States

CENTCOM reported that since Dec. 3, the US has conducted six airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and that the US and partners have carried out 14 airstrikes against the group in Iraq. US officials discussed plans for the temporary addition of extra US troops to NATO’s Afghan training mission Resolute Support.