Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The prosecutor’s office in Van claimed that the recent operation resulting in the rest of some 25 suspects was aimed at al Qaeda, not the IHH charity. On Jan. 15, 13 of the suspects were referred to court; five of them were released yesterday, four were released pending bail, and the remaining four were detained. […]


Seven Islamist militants suspected in yesterday’s bomb attack on a Makhachkala restaurant were killed in a shootout with security forces. Among those killed were Makhmud Aliyev, the recently named head of the Makhachkala cell, and Zaira Aliyeva, the widow of a previously killed militant, who may have been preparing to conduct a suicide bombing. A […]


A two-day truce collapsed in Sebha, as armed clashes broke out yesterday in which two people were killed and two more were wounded. Prime Minister Zeidan urged revolutionaries to head to the south to help the military and the Libyan Shield Brigades battle pro-Ghaddafi forces who have seized an airbase outside Sebha. In Benghazi yesterday, […]


Security forces in Timbuktu have arrested Houka Houka Ag Alfousseyni, who served as an Islamic judge for Ansar Dine in the area. The UN’s Mali envoy warned that security in the country remains precarious, evidenced by an upswing in terrorist attacks in late 2013. The UN mission in Mali is currently at only half of […]


The Toulouse prosecutor said two 15-year-old French boys have left France for jihad in Syria. President Hollande said some 700 French nationals and residents have traveled to Syria for jihad, and Interior Minister Valls said 20 of them have died there.

United Kingdom

Scotland Yard is questioning two women suspected of terrorist activity; one was arrested at Heathrow airport on Jan. 16 as she tried to board a flight for Istanbul with a large quantity of cash, and the other was arrested in northwest London yesterday. A man from Sheldon, Birmingham, was arrested at Gatwick airport yesterday on […]

United States

A federal judge ruled that Basit Sheikh, a North Carolina man arrested in November for trying to join the Al Nusrah Front in Syria, should face trial in July; prosecutors have asked for additional time to provide intelligence data to defense attorneys without compromising classified information. A Pentagon official said the US is planning to […]


New analysis of rocket in Syria chemical attack undercuts US claims


Iraqi FM warns against ‘poisonous’ extremism in Syria


Free Syrian Army chief Gen. Salim Idris called attempts to unify Syrian rebels into a Free National Army a “pipe dream,” warned that the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham will be long, and said the FSA and the Islamic Front resolved their differences almost a month ago. In Aleppo, a […]


The army detained and later released four British men “with an Islamist appearance” in Zahle. Some 20 rockets and shells fired from Syria hit in Arsal, killing six children and one adult. The prosecutor in the Special Tribunal on the 2005 assassination of Rafik Hariri said defendant Hussein Oneissi, a Hezbollah operative, falsely set up […]


The US Senate report on the September 2012 attack on the Benghazi mission notes that 15 Libyans who helped investigate the attack have since been murdered in Benghazi. Libyan media reiterated allegations that state security and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated, amid reports of escapes of suspects such as alleged Benghazi assassin Ali Al-Fezzani. Prime […]


The Interior Ministry denied reports that a foreign intelligence agency has warned it that 450 mercenaries have infiltrated into Tunisia to conduct terrorist attacks. Border guards found 190,000 “hunting cartridges” in a van in Gabes governorate. The NCA recently passed a law granting compensation to victims of repression and Islamists in particular.


A car bombing at a Makhachkala restaurant injured nine people in Dagestan, including two police officers. Sources claim that Russia has stepped up deliveries of military equipment to Syria to help the Assad regime capitalize on recent rebel infighting. Speaking in Moscow, Syria’s foreign minister said his government was ready to cooperate with the Syrian […]

United States

Newly declassified documents show that the US military has been prevented from hunting down those who attacked the US Mission in Benghazi in 2012 because the Authorization for Use of Military Force restricts targeting to those with proven links to “core al Qaeda.” Secretary of State Kerry urged Syrian rebel groups to attend the Geneva […]


Turkish energy minister dismisses ‘uranium enrichment’ claims


Authorities referred 13 of 28 suspected al Qaeda members to court after their recent arrest; the remaining suspects are still being interrogated. Among those arrested are al Qaeda’s alleged senior member in Turkey, Halis Bayancuk, along with the terror group’s second-in-command in the Middle East, İbrahim Şen. Some three senior al Qaeda operatives are said […]


The Al Nusrah Front has demanded that the Raqqah division of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham hand over to sharia court all those responsible for the killing of Abu Sa’ad al-Hadhrami, Al Nusrah’s leader for Raqqah. ISIS attacked regime forces in the 17th division in Raqqah. ISIS and Islamic battalion fighters clashed […]


An Al Nusrah Front suicide bomber killed five people in an attack in the Hezbollah stronghold of Hermel. The army confiscated five RPGs and various types of ammunition from a car in Zahle that was traveling to Arsal. Two rockets fired from Syria landed in the northern Bekaa valley village of Ras Baalbek.


Chechnya head Ramzan Kadyrov claimed that Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov is dead, and said intercepted communications between militant Islamist leaders in Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan mentioned the election of a new “emir.” Authorities placed Aleksandr Sokolov, a convicted criminal, in pretrial detention; he has admitted to appearing in a Koran-burning video.


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and Islamic battalion fighters clashed with regime forces in eastern Ghouta in Reef Dimashq, and Al Nusrah and rebels clashed with regime forces near Maaloula. The Kurdish YPG accused the Syrian National Coalition of supporting ISIS against YPG forces in Hasakah. Residents of […]


Security forces captured Jamal Daftardar, a.k.a. Mohammad Ahmad al-Masri, a senior Abdullah Azzam Brigades operative who was a candidate to replace recently deceased leader Majid al Majid. A second suspect was killed during the raid, which took place at a residence in the Bekaa valley.


West has discussed co-operation with Syria, Damascus claims


Abu Iyadh, the wanted leader of Ansar al Sharia Tunisia, expressed support for al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliates, the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. A coalition of religious groups demanded changes in the draft constitution as it allegedly violated the principles of Islam. A Tunisian judges’ group slammed an […]


Gunmen fired 20 rounds into the Congress chamber yesterday. In the past 48 hours in Benghazi, a policeman and a special forces officer were assassinated in separate attacks, another special forces officer escaped an assassination attempt, and police station was targeted in a grenade attack. In Janzour, a councilor who also served as an imam […]


Drop in sea piracy helped by big Somali improvement, says watchdog