Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


The Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham killed Abu Dajana, a Libyan who commanded Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham forces in Deir Izzour. Al Nusrah accused ISIS of commandeering Nusrah’s resources in Deir Izzour, including the Koniko oil fields; stealing $5 million; refusing to submit to sharia court resolution; and taking over […]


Extremists, including Chechens, Egyptians, Tunisians, and Syrians, are reportedly flocking to the large Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon from Syria and joining the Abdallah Azzam Brigades’ Ziad Jarrah Brigades, and the Jund al-Sham. Their entry at Arsal is said to have been facilitated by a Palestinian, Mahmoud Mohammad S. His associates are thought to […]


Interview: Warning Sounded Over ‘Vibrant’ Drug Trafficking In Afghanistan


Ukraine investigates Sochi ‘hijack attempt’ for terror links


Pakistan peace initiative: Maulana Aziz strikes a discordant note

United States

New Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson said the war in Syria has become a matter of homeland security due to the risks posed by US jihadists. US officials said at least 50 Americans have traveled to Syria to fight. Last week National Intelligence Director James Clapper said parts of northern Syria were becoming like Pakistan’s […]


Regime troops retook most of Aleppo Central Prison, after two days of fighting in which 46 people have been killed. The Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham are continuing to battle regime forces on the outskirts of the prison and have taken over its new buildings. Al Nusrah gave civilians 24 hours to stay […]


A Ukrainian man on a flight from the Ukraine was arrested at Istanbul airport for claiming to have a bomb and demanding the plane take him to the Sochi Olympics. Gunmen attacked the office of the Nationalist Movement Party in Istanbul, two weeks after attackers killed a party adviser and injured seven members. Azerbaijani journalist […]


Officials in Tripoli and Benghazi warned citizens not to participate in protests against the extension of the GNC’s mandate today. More than 80 armed attackers tried to storm the offices of Libya Al-Ahrar TV in Benghazi early yesterday. The staff of another Benghazi TV station closed their office after threats and the kidnapping of their […]


Armed Peul tribesmen killed at least 30 Tuaregs in Tamkoutat, north of Gao, in an apparent revenge attack for a kidnapping. The UN is appealing for additional aid for Mali, where 800,000 people currently are suffering from a severe food shortage and security remains fragile.

United Kingdom

Abu Suleiman al-Britani, a British-born jihadist of Pakistani origin, reportedly detonated in an Al Nusrah Front suicide bombing at Aleppo Central Prison in Syria earlier this week. He is said to have been a Londoner. The UK has blacklisted the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syrian branch. As many as 20 UK fighters are thought […]

United States

Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Brett McGurk said suicide bombings in Iraq have tripled over the past year, and that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is using a “global network” of jihadists to supply the bombers, who are often foreigners; he also accused Iraq of not doing enough to stop Iran from […]


The Islamic Front, led by Ahrar al Sham, and the Al Nusrah Front, jointly assaulted Aleppo Central Prison, reportedly freeing hundreds of detainees. The Islamic Front and Al Nusrah had announced the operation called “Truthful Promise Approaches” in Aleppo. The battle of “Fak Al-A’ani” to liberate the prison started with an Al Nusrah suicide bombing […]


Two suspects in the Feb. 3 suicide bombing of a passenger van were released due to lack of evidence, but a taxi driver who gave the bomber a ride remains in detention. A fourth victim of the Feb. 1 suicide bombing in Hermel died from his injuries.


Interior Minister Jeddou has claimed that security forces killed Kamel Gadhgadhi, a senior Ansar al-Sharia member and the murderer of liberal politician Chokri Belaid, during an operation on Feb. 4 in which six other terrorists were killed and a large weapons cache was confiscated. Belaid’s widow Basma Khalfaoui said the timing of the claim was […]


A car bomb wounded a political activist in Benghazi, and last night the office of two TV stations in the city was bombed. The body of a special forces member who had been tortured was found near a Benghazi cemetery. Water pumps are being installed to address water shortages in Benghazi due to clashes and […]


A young man was killed and 30 people were injured in clashes in the southern province of Ghardaia. Since the clashes started over a month ago, at least 200 people have been injured, including 50 security force members, and over 80 buildings have been torched.

United States

US officials said US drone strikes in Pakistan are being curtailed in deference to Pakistan’s wishes and in view of logistical constraints as the US winds down its combat role in Afghanistan; the officials denied recent reports that the change was to allow Pakistan to negotiate with the Taliban. Officials said the CIA plans to […]