Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


A judicial source warned that recent arrests of Naim Abbas and other al Qaeda-linked terrorists have not eliminated the “dozens of … groups created by Al Qaeda and its offshoots, such as the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, the Nusrah Front, and the Jammal Jarrah Brigades.” Authorities charged Nawaf al-Hussein with involvement in the Haret Hreik suicide […]


In separate Benghazi attacks, an army officer and the local head of security for a mobile phone company and his driver were shot dead. An air force MI-16 helicopter has gone missing near the eastern town of Essider. A group of Zintanis tampered with an oil pipe in Jebel Nafusa, cutting the flow of oil […]


Near the Niger border, militants from the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa clashed with ethnic Tuaregs loyal to the government; 17 civilians and 13 militants were killed. Last week 31 Tuaregs were killed in a similar clash.


65 “Innocent” – or “Dangerous”? – Detainees Released From Bagram: Secret documents and Afghan and US claims?


Police in Dijon detained an Egyptian who was traveling on the Paris-Venice night train with a bottle of suspected explosives. The man, a resident of Italy, reportedly said he was unaware of the nature of the products he was carrying.

United Kingdom

Extremist cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad said suspected British suicide bomber Abdul Waheed Majeed was one of his former students and a member of the banned group al-Muhajiroun. Police are investigating the sending of small bombs to a number of Army recruiting offices in southeast England over the past week. Police reportedly do not believe the […]

United States

In Congressional testimony yesterday, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieut. Gen. Michael Flynn denied that al Qaeda is on the run and on a path to defeat. He also said there is a “very real” risk that al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria could gain control of Syria’s chemical or biological weapons. President Obama has acknowledged that […]


In Aleppo, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against Islamic battalions; and in the village of Aziz, Islamic battalions beheaded six regime soldiers and left their heads as “a gift to” the head of regime military operations in Aleppo. The ISIS clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham in […]


Security forces in Beirut arrested Naim Abbas, a leader of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades who reportedly has ties to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. His interrogation led to the dismantling of a car bomb in the Afif al-Tibeh neighborhood, where a would-be suicide bomber was also arrested. Security forces in […]


Said Mansour a.k.a. Sam Mansour, a Copenhagen bookseller with ties to extremist cleric Abu Qatada, was accused of inciting terrorism; the new charges are similar to those for which he was previously convicted. Police described him as the ideologue for a European terror network linked to “a wide range of Islamic terrorists.” He is being […]


Extremists Pose ‘Very Real’ Risk to Syrian Chemical Arms: US Intel Official

United Kingdom

Police searched a residence in Crawley, West Sussex, said to have been the home of British suicide bomber Abdul Waheed Majid a.k.a. Abu Suleiman al-Britani, who detonated in an Al Nusrah Front assault on Aleppo prison in Syria last week. Majid, a 41-year-old UK citizen of Pakistani origin, is thought to be the first British […]

United States

The US Embassy in Uganda issued a warning of possible terror attacks in the capital city of Kampala in February or March. The first of four Navy missile-destroyer ships arrived at the US base in Rota, Spain as part of the European Phased Adaptive Approach missile shield; three more ships will arrive by 2015 as […]


A security source said Lebanese forces are pursuing several suspected Sunni terrorists, and that Syrian airstrikes targeted Al Nusrah Front members yesterday in the Bekaa valley. Residents of the border town of Arsal braced for a flood of refugees from Yabroud as a regime offensive there intensified. Special forces arrested Syrian national Jamil Aziz al-Hasan […]


Two Al Nusrah Front suicide bombings in Hama killed at least 30 soldiers, and an Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombing in Damascus killed 32 people, reportedly soldiers, when two buildings collapsed. Regime forces clashed with Islamic battalions in Deraa, as well as in Idlib, in Aleppo, and in Homs. An American […]