Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Several hundred suspected Boko Haram fighters killed over 100 people in separate attacks near the Cameroon border in the villages of Baga and Izge in Borno state. The Nigerian military had begun aerial bombardments on Boko Haram hideouts in the nearby Sambisa forest, after an attack in Konduga, another Borno village, on Feb. 11 that […]


Feature: Gaza smugglers rebuild smuggling tunnels after destruction by Egypt


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, supported by the Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions, fought against regime, NDF, and Hezbollah forces in Damascus and in Hasakah. Regime forces clashed with Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions in Aleppo, in Hama, and in Deir Izzour. ISIS battled the Free Syrian Army’s Jabhat Al-Kurd, Ahfad […]


Prime Minister Tammam Salam announced the formation of a 24-member Cabinet, after 10 months of negotiations. The centrist Salam said the new Cabinet achieves sectarian balance; its composition means that rival blocs have veto power. Former prime minister Saad Hariri said Hezbollah’s participation in the Syrian conflict is sabotaging ties between Sunnis and Shiites in […]


The Interior Ministry said identity checks of niqab-wearing persons will be enforced, following security warnings that terrorists are wearing them to escape detection and the arrest of one such person in Ariana this week. Two people were killed in Sidi Bouzid when a police station was attacked on Feb. 11. President Marzouki condemned the recent […]


About 90 inmates escaped from Mager Prison in Zliten; some 1,700 prisoners have escaped in a series of breakouts across Libya over the past 12 months. An Air Force helicopter that went missing on Feb. 13 near Essider still has not been located. Gunmen tried to assassinate a policeman in Benghazi yesterday. Two Benghazi hospitals […]


Mediator apologizes to Syrians for ineffectual peace talks

United Kingdom

Jordan Horner, 20, a Muslim convert linked to Islamist groups, was given a five-year order prohibiting him from making “unsolicited approaches” advocating sharia law that cause distress, and from meeting with Anjem Choudary, Royal Barnes, Ricardo McFarlane, or Dean Le Page unless for worship inside a mosque or other Islamic cultural center. Horner served as […]

United States

US officials said that Thirwat Shehata, 53, an Egyptian who is a senior al Qaeda figure and former deputy to Ayman al Zawahiri, has left Iran and was in Libya in 2013. A number of top al Qaeda operatives have left Iran in recent years, and the US has placed Iran-based operatives on its terrorist […]


Saudi Arabia will soon supply MANPADS and antiaircraft missiles to the Free Syrian Army from warehouses in Jordan and Turkey. The US is said to have already paid $3 million in salaries for fighters from the FSA’s Southern Front, which is headed by Bashar al-Zoubi. The second round of Geneva II talks ended in an […]


No Love For Valentine’s Day In Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus


Khalifa Haftar, the former head of Libya’s ground forces, announced that “[t]he national command of the Libyan army is declaring a movement for the new road map” and called for suspension of the interim parliament. Prime Minister Zeidan dismissed the statement, saying everything is “under control” and “working just fine.” Defense Minister al Thani reportedly […]


Morocco has begun requiring visas for visitors from Libya as a “security precaution,” following the recent arrests of more than 105 Libyan visitors with fake passports; most of those arrested were not Arabs, and some had previously been banned from entering Morocco. The parliament is considering legislation that would criminalize takfir and incitement to violence, […]


In Xinjiang’s Aksu prefecture, 11 terrorists who attacked a police patrol were killed and five police vehicles were damaged. Some of the attackers tried to use LNG cylinders in a car as suicide bombs. On Jan. 24, six terrorists were shot dead after attacking a police station in Aksu. Authorities said the number of terrorist […]


Russia, NATO plan joint operation on Syria’s chemical weapons


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions in Aleppo; and in Deir Izzour, where it also fought against the Al Nusrah Front; and in Raqqah, where it also battled rebels. Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions clashed with regime forces in Hasakah, and in Hama. Al Nusrah claimed five January bombings […]