Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


French and Malian forces killed 10 terrorists from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb yesterday during an operation in the Amettetaï valley of the Adrar des Ifoghas mountains. The militants were discovered by a Reaper drone. The terrorists, who had rocket launchers, may have been among those who fired at French helicopters near Tessalit on […]


Saadi Gaddafi, a son of the former dictator, was extradited from Niger to Libya. A professed Salafist, he is suspected of organizing protests in Libya and the seizure of the Tamenhint airport in Sebha. His brother Saif is being held by a militia in Zintan which refuses to hand him over to the government. The […]

United States

The State Department issued an order restricting the movements of Syria’s UN representative, Bashar Ja’afari, to a 25-mile radius of New York City; similar restrictions are in place for Iranian and North Korean envoys. US officials pushed for vigilance over Syria’s compliance on the eradication of its chemical weapons. The US military warned Americans of […]


A new UN report accuses the Assad regime of using siege tactics against civilians and deplores the “absolute impunity that pervades the conflict,” in which both sides are guilty of massacres and other crimes. Paulo Pinheiro, the head of the UN inquiry committee on Syria, said it was “likely” that the perpetrators of the Aug. […]


Three rockets were fired into the Bekaa valley village of Nabi Shayth, a Hezbollah stronghold; the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon claimed the attack as revenge for Hezbollah’s actions in Syria and threatened “unique operations” against it in the future. Syrian jets dropped bombs near an army checkpoint in Arsal. A suspected arsonist started a […]


Last night in Kidal, a sniper fired at police on a regular patrol, and an MNLA member was wounded allegedly by two jihadists on a motorcycle who fired at both the patrol and the MNLA; the MNLA blamed security forces for the incident. The al Murabitoon Brigade, a merger of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s forces and the […]


The kidnapped son of a Benghazi special forces commander was released after a month of captivity. The GNC is still considering whether to sack Prime Minister Zeidan, but no candidates to replace him have been named. Last week, a Libyan Cabinet member made a rare admission that radical Islamist groups are behind the continuing violence […]


Kunming knife gang ‘tried to leave China’ before attack


US Takes Training Role in Africa as Threats Grow and Budgets Shrink


In former Taliban fiefdom, Pakistan’s first female council tackles abuses


Syria’s ‘third force’ Kurds may emerge stronger from conflict


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with regime, NDF, and Hezbollah forces near Yabroud city in Reef Dimashq; regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs in the vicinity. ISIS seized portions of the Yarmouk camp in Damascus. In Aleppo, the Al Nusrah and Ahrar al Sham […]


A Lebanese Army source denied reports that security forces were planning to limit access to south Beirut to seven entry points in order to prevent car bombings. In an attack claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, two rockets landed in Labweh in the Bekaa valley. Syrian jets fired five missiles at […]


The state TV station in Tripoli was attacked with RPGs, most likely by the Jumaa al-Shahm militia. An Air Force colonel was assassinated in Benghazi. The General National Congress has relocated to a Tripoli hotel after protesters wounded six members of Congress and killed a security guard. GNC President Abu Sahmein said the GNC was […]


Hundreds of demonstrators marched in the capital yesterday protesting the alleged desecration of several copies of the Koran by four turbaned men on March 2, and one man was killed by an exploding tear gas canister. The RFD party condemned the desecration.


Boko Haram militants launched yet another attack in Borno state, killing as many as 40 people in the village of Jakana in Konduga, then retreated into the Sambisa forest. Nigerian authorities paraded seven Boko Haram militants suspected of murdering a moderate Muslim cleric in Kaduna state on Feb. 1; among them was Yakub Abdullahi, a […]


Some 30 suspected Boko Haram militants attacked a village in Cameroon on March 2; Cameroonian forces killed six militants and captured two more near the Nigerian border. One Cameroonian soldier was killed during the clash. The US State Department yesterday offered to provide Cameroon with continued US security assistance in the form of training and […]


Romain L., a.k.a. Abu Siyad Al-Normandy, a 26-year-old Muslim convert from Calvados, appeared in court on charges of incitement to terrorism for administering the jihadist website Ansar al Haqq and translating al Qaeda’s magazine Inspire into French. He is the first person to be prosecuted under a law that was enacted in late 2012. In […]


In Idlib, the Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front clashed with regime forces; an Al Nusrah ammunition factory exploded in Sarmada. In Raqqah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham battled regime forces and executed a Christian. In Damascus, Al Nusrah, the Islamic Front, and ISIS continued to fight against regime, NDF, and […]


The Interior Ministry said that a remotely detonated bomb planted by terrorists in Daih killed three policemen. Another bomb was defused, and two more detonated without causing injuries.

Saudi Arabia

The Cabinet issued a statement calling on all foreign fighters to withdraw from Syria and said they should be subject to international prosecution for any war crimes committed there. It also condemned “terrorism in all its forms.”