Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Islamic State Militant Seeks Chechen Wife For 15-Year-Old Child Fighter


UN: More reports of children crucified, beheaded and stoned to death by Islamic State


Pakistan Grants Bail to Key Suspect in 2008 Mumbai Attacks

United States

Army Lt. Gen. James Terry, commander of US forces in the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, said it is likely to take “a minimum of three years” to reach a turning point against the group. The Pentagon said that coalition airstrikes in Iraq since mid-November have killed “multiple senior and mid-level” […]


In the ongoing investigation into incidents in January when Turkish intelligence trucks headed into Syria were stopped and searched, 19 new suspects have been charged with spying and obtaining state secrets. The trucks reportedly carried weapons destined for Syrian rebels. Terrorism charges were filed against the editor and general manager of a major Turkish newspaper. […]


The Parliament authorized the deployment of up to 850 German soldiers in 2015 to Afghanistan to participate in NATO’s “Resolute Support” training mission. The government is also planning to send some 100 Bundeswehr soldiers to northern Iraq to train Kurdish Peshmerga forces.


Yemen’s Houthis consolidate control over state institutions


One ISIS thug suspected of killing 150 girls, women

United States

Since Dec. 15, the US and partner nations have conducted 61 airstrikes in Iraq and six in Syria against the Islamic State; 45 of the airstrikes in Iraq were in support of Peshmerga and Iraqi forces in the region. President Obama announced the resumption of diplomatic ties with Cuba and Havana’s release of US citizen […]


UN Security Council renews cross-border Syria aid authorization


Prime Minister Abbott ordered an investigation into the Dec. 16 siege at a Sydney cafe by Man Haron Monis, an Iranian Sunni extremist who had been accused of violent crimes and was out on bail, that left three people dead and several others wounded. Iran claimed that it had asked Australia to extradite Monis 12 […]


ISIS reportedly destroys at least 6 border control stations on Jordan-Iraq border


40% of Anbar’s cities in ruins: Iraqi official


Home Minister Singh announced that the government has banned the Islamic State terrorist group. Police are investigating the likelihood that Mehdi Masroor Biswas, who was arrested for running a prominent pro-ISIS Twitter account, has links to Islamic State operatives. The Intelligence Bureau warned of the possibility of lone-wolf terrorist attacks.


IS threat led to closure of Western embassies in Egypt


In Sydney Hostage Siege, Australia’s New Anti-Terrorism Measures Proved Ineffective


Turkey’s Religious Schools Rise as Erdogan Exerts Sway


During raids in Barcelona, Ceuta, Melilla, and the Moroccan municipality of Castillejos, Spanish and Moroccan police arrested seven people, including four women and a minor, suspected of links to an lslamic State recruitment network that sent women to Iraq and Syria. Two of the female suspects were allegedly about to join the Islamic State. Authorities […]


Defense Minister LeDrian said France is willing to coordinate a regional task force in Africa to confront Boko Haram; the 2,800-strong force was pledged by regional powers in July but has not yet materialized. He urged greater cooperation among African nations on security matters. He also noted that jihadists driven from Mali have regrouped in […]

United Kingdom

Ismail Abdulrahman, Muktar Said Ibrahim, Yassin Omar, and Ramzi Mohammed, who were sentenced to life in prison for an al Qaeda plot to attack London transport on July 21, 2005, two weeks after the deadly July 7 subway bombings, lost their appeals to the European Court of Human Rights. Two men from Luton were arrested […]