Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Indonesia’s Islamist parties surprise with strong showing in election


Norway – Hundreds of immigrant kids sent abroad to study


Radical Muslim youth took control of a mosque in Mombasa and renamed it Masjid Mujahideen; the youth are said to be from another Mombasa mosque that was renamed Masjid Shuhadaa (Martyrs’ Mosque) in March. A Swedish man of Somali origin has been arrested on suspicion of recruiting for Shabaab. Interior Secretary Lenku said 101 suspected […]


Boko Haram militants in Jigawa state killed seven police officers and a civilian in an attack targeting a police station, a court, and a bank in Gwaram. The militants, said to number about 20, bombed the buildings and then opened fire. Suspected Boko Haram militants fired at a crowd watching a soccer match in Potiskum […]


Regime forces backed by Hezbollah captured Rankous in Qalamoun near the Lebanese border, cutting off rebel supply lines and solidifying the regime’s hold in the area. The Al Nusrah Front, Islamic fighters, and rebels reportedly left Rankous after its inhabitants made a truce with the regime two days earlier. Two car bombs detonated in Alawite […]


Security forces arrested Mohammad Qassam and seven aides, all Syrians, in a refugee camp in Arsal; Qassam is accused of heading an al Qaeda group that rigs cars with explosives and sends them into Lebanon. Masked gunmen shot a Fatah-linked Sunni sheikh in the Ain el Hilweh refugee camp in Sidon. Hezbollah has turned over […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Turkey said that although the grace period for returning jihadists expired on March 20, such fighters are still approaching Saudi embassies and asking for help in returning home. He also indicated they are still welcome to return, saying, “Our doors will always remain open for all Saudis coming from conflict regions […]


Abed Shihadeh a.k.a. Abu Mohammed Al Tahawi, a hardline Islamist leader on trial with over 60 other Salafi Jihadists for inciting violence in April 2011, challenged the court’s authority and asked to be freed on bail. Over 700 Syrian refugees entered Jordan in the past 48 hours. Border guards foiled an attempt on April 5 […]


Khamenei: Iran will never give up its nuclear program


Kenya sends back ‘illegal’ Somalis after Nairobi raids


Lebanon: Residents of Tripoli apprehensive as militants still at large


Authorities arrested four people in Barcelona, Tarragona, and Palma de Mallorca who are suspected of trying to sell missile equipment to Iran. Three are Spanish nationals from the same family, and the fourth is an Iranian. During the raids, authorities confiscated cash, industrial equipment, and documents relating to defense information.


France: southern Libya now a ‘viper’s nest’ for Islamist militants


Jihadist attack on Latakia raises fear of deeper sectarian warfare

United States

El Mehdi Semlali Fathi, 26, a Moroccan resident of Bridgeport, Conn., was arrested on immigration charges yesterday; the complaint filed in federal court alleged that he repeatedly expressed a desire to bomb a federal building in Connecticut and an unspecified university outside the state. Secretary of State Kerry claimed that the threatened US strike on […]


The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic fighters clashed with regime forces in Idlib; in Deir Izzour; in Hama; in Reef Dimashq near Rankous and Ras al-Ma’arra; and in Latakia, where they were joined by Junoud al Sham, Ahrar al Sham, Sham al Islam, and Ansar al Sham. The UN human rights chief said the Assad […]


Salafist sheikh Dai al Islam al Shahhal warned that “something big will happen” because security forces had seized two cars from his convoy following grenade attacks during security sweeps in Tripoli. Hours later, gunmen ambushed an Army patrol in Akkar, killing two soldiers and wounding a third. Security forces in Tripoli detained two people, said […]


Over the past four days, security forces have arrested over 3,000 illegal Somali residents in Nairobi; some 1,000 are being held in a sports stadium. Interior Secretary Lenku said 4,000 people have been detained across the country for fraudulent documents or on suspicion of criminal activity. Teachers at the Samad Islamic Institute in Eastleigh protested […]


The body of Ali Abdallah Bin Taher a.k.a. al Far, reportedly a top aide to Ansar al Sharia leader Sufian Ben Qumu, was found yesterday in Derna; a new intelligence agency in the city claimed to have assassinated him. Another report said there was Islamist infighting in Derna, and claimed that al Far was a […]


Security forces arrested 16 “religious extremists” in Rouhia in the Siliana governorate yesterday; they reportedly included former fighters from wars in Iraq and Syria. Clashes broke out during the raids, which targeted extremist groups linked to Ansar al Sharia. The US recently pledged $500 million in loan guarantees to Tunisia.