Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Both state media and rebel sources claimed that a poison gas attack injured dozens of people in the village of Kfar Zeita in Hama, and blamed each other. State media said the attack involved chlorine gas and was carried out by the Al Nusrah Front, and warned that the group was planning other chemical attacks […]


During security sweeps in Tripoli and the Bekaa valley, authorities arrested additional suspects on charges of murder, kidnapping, auto theft, membership in a terrorist group, and other crimes. Among those arrested yesterday in Arsal was Ahmed al Atrash, suspected of rigging explosives-packed vehicles; he is the brother of slain terrorist Sami al Atrash and a […]


Masked gunmen assassinated an imam in rural Dagestan. Police arrested 22 protesters at an unauthorized rally in support of the former mayor of Makhachkala in Dagestan, who is accused terrorism and murder. Earlier this week, five Islamic militants, including ringleader Isa Khashagulgov, were sentenced to prison for a 2010 suicide bombing in North Ossetia that […]


A group of over 30 gunmen burned down the revenue offices in Mandera and shot the night watchman. Kenya suspended five wildlife service officials due to concerns about rampant poaching of elephants and rhinos; Kenya has become the world hub for illegal ivory smuggling. Uganda’s police chief said the Westgate Mall attackers may have entered […]


Two Kenyan aid workers kidnapped by Shabaab in 2011 were rescued yesterday outside Dhobley near the Kenyan border by AMISOM troops and Jubbaland forces. The UN said weapons-related casualties in Mogadishu increased 20% in recent months.

Al Qaeda

I was chased out of Sudan when I raised the alarm about Boko Haram – Ambassador Bola Dada


A Borno state senator accused the Nigerian military of complicity in recent Boko Haram attacks in four villages in which 210 people have been killed. The insurgents, who reportedly wore military uniforms and spoke English, kidnapped a number of women and razed the towns. Suspected Fulani militia attacked several Tiv villages in Cross River state, […]


In the town of Albu Kamal in Deir Izzour near the Iraqi border, 86 people were killed as the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front recaptured the border town from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Deir Izzour, in Reef Dimashq, […]


The military deployed heavily in Tripoli to block a protest from the Sunni Bab al Tabbaneh neighborhood against the new security crackdown. A judge issued arrest warrants for 200 suspects in Tripoli and elsewhere, and at least 43 have been detained. Security forces arrested five wanted suspects in the Bekaa valley and seized several stolen […]


Benghazi residents protested ongoing insecurity, after an Air Force officer was assassinated and his family severely injured in a recent car bombing. Sufian Ben Qumu, a leader of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar al Sharia, reportedly appears on Libyan TV from Derna. An armed group helped 10 prisoners escape in Tripoli. Reports have emerged that al […]


Six policemen have been injured in Rouhia in the Siliana governorate during ongoing clashes between the banned group Ansar al Sharia and security forces, since the arrest of at least 16 Salafist extremists a few days ago. The Air Force bombed a terrorist camp in the forests of Mount Chaambi in Kasserine. Earlier, security forces […]

United States

The Pentagon is asking for more funding for a secret program that tracks biological weapons, due to “recent classified DoD guidance.” A former US State Department adviser on Syria said the Obama administration is focusing on issues it can handle without the help of international partners, and excluded the possibility that the US would spearhead […]


Regime forces clashed violently with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Latakia; the military emir for Al Nusrah in Darkoush was killed. In Deir Izzour near the Iraq border the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front, and at least 54 fighters are said […]


A military judge indicted four Syrians on charges bringing car bombs into Lebanon and membership in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham; one of the suspects was arrested in Arsal last month and the other three are at large. Arrest warrants were issued for pro-Assad politician Rifaat Eid and 11 associates on terrorism […]