Author Archives: Lisa Lundquist


Islamic State’s female bloggers draw European women to Syria

United States

The US and partner nations yesterday carried out 12 airstrikes in Syria and 10 in Iraq against the Islamic State. The Obama administration is reportedly seeking to reduce the current number of Guantanamo detainees, 132, to under 100, so that a law barring the transfer of detainees to the US can be revoked. Secretary of […]


Rare Islamic State visit reveals ‘brutal and strong’ force


Prime Minister Valls announced that France is deploying an additional 300 security forces to patrol public areas during the Christmas holiday, following three attacks over the past week. Authorities arrested a man this morning who was carrying two shotguns and a knife at a market in Cannes. Officials are playing down suspicions that the recent […]

Islamic State

Islamic State: ‘Traumatised’ Yazidi women attempting suicide after being sold as ‘sex slaves’, Amnesty International says


Security officials have detected “a heightened level of terrorist chatter” following last week’s deadly siege of a Sydney cafe by Man Haron Monis, an Islamic State sympathizer. Authorities have not yet classified the incident as a terrorist attack. A judge revoked bail for Monis’ partner, Amirah Droudis, as she posed “an unacceptable risk.” In an […]


US to accept thousands of Syrian refugees for resettlement


FAA drone approvals bedeviled by warnings, conflict, internal e-mails show

United States

The US and partner nations carried out 10 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and 12 in Syria today. Fifteen airstrikes were conducted by the US and partners in Iraq and Syria against the group on Dec. 19, and 13 more took place over the weekend of Dec. 20-21.


WHO says Syria opens Aleppo, other troubled areas for medical aid


A man rammed a van into a Christmas market in Nantes, wounding at least 10 people, and then stabbed himself. The day before, at least 11 people were wounded as a car repeatedly targeted pedestrians in Dijon; the prosecutor said the hour-long rampage by a driver shouting “Allahu Akhbar” was not a terrorist act as […]


A building in Malmo was bombed with plastic explosives for the second time in two days; police have no suspects. There have been a series of bombings in Malmo recently, including two targeting a justice center that also housed a police station.


Libya’s official government targets rival forces trying to seize ports


Counterterrorism authorities are instructing banks to deny loans to persons suspected of sympathizing with the Islamic State, after at least five Malaysians were found to have taken out loans to finance their travel to join or otherwise support the group. Among those recently arrested are a former Malaysian military trainer, who was detained at Kuala […]


Lebanon says it needs French helicopters quickly to fight militants


Mehmet Dogan, the leader of Turkey’s Tahşiye group, said he “loves Osama bin Laden”; President Erdogan has defended Dogan. Authorities arrested over 100 members of a teachers’ union in Ankara yesterday as they marched in support of secular education, after attacking them with water cannons and tear gas. A Turkish criminal court issued an arrest […]