Author Archives: Karen Coulson

Palestinian Territories

Egypt is brokering a Hamas-Israel truce in Gaza. Yemen is mediating talks between Hamas and Fatah. Poll: 84 percent of Palestinians support the terrorist attack on a religious school in Jerusalem earlier this month. Visiting Sderot, John McCain said of Israeli operations, “No nation in the world can be attacked incessantly … without responding.”


[Update 2] No injuries were reported Wednesday from a midday bombing in Aden, southern Yemen near the National Bank. Yesterday, in nearby Abyan, an early morning explosion wounded five solders at a government building. Last week in Aden, security forces defused an explosive device near a main road. Seventeen protesters were killed in South Yemen […]


Israel Blocks Palestinian Access to Country From West Bank, Gaza Strip


Living in an Iraq Still at War, Five Years Later


Pledging to ‘Do Better’ Amid Corruption in Iraq


The US State Department said late Tuesday that a mortar attack in Sanaa was directed at the US Embassy. The mortars landed in a nearby school yard, wounding several students and four Yemeni guards at the embassy. An American source told CNN that the Yemeni government statements that the attack was directed against the school […]


Britain to delay troop withdrawal from Iraq: report


The US embassy in Sana’a closed today after three hand grenades were tossed into a nearby school yard during dismissal. Three female students were killed and 15 wounded. Four Yemeni security guards were wounded. The school’s administrator had been involved in a dispute. In the southern town of Abyan, a bombing at an empty local […]