Author Archives: Karen Coulson


2 Markets, of Varying Security, Highlight Challenge for US Troops in Iraq


$1bn loan from old foe shows growing power to rebuild – and to divide – Iraq

Al Qaeda

Report: Al Qaeda Spies Believed to Have Infiltrated British Police Force


American Jaber Elbaneh was released by a Yemeni appeals court on bail. Elbaneh is one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists. He attended the al Farouq training camp with the Lakawana Six. He surrendered to Yemeni authorities in May 2007 and was later sentenced in absentia to 10 years on terror charges. In February 2008, […]


Survey Says Iranians Favor Free Election Of Their Top Leader


Upswing in Iraq attacks not a trend: US military

The Terror Nobody Knows: Thwarted Attacks on the US


About 100 bodies found in Iraq mass grave: military