Author Archives: Joe Sklut


Twenty MILF fighters and seven soldiers were killed in fierce fighting near the town of Mamasapan. The fighting broke out after a force of 60 MILF fighters ambushed a military patrol. The battle took place only ten kilometers from the provincial capital where President Gloria Arroyo was visiting.


Three MILF fighters and an Army solider were killed during a battle in Sultan Kudarat province in Mindanao. Thirty-three Filipino seamen were siezed by Pirates off Somalia during two separate hijackings.


Pirates who kidnapped three school teachers in January turned over the hostages to Abu Sayyaf in Basilan province. The International Committee of the Red Cross appealed to the government to withdraw troops from Abu Sayyaf positions in order to ensure the safety of three captured Red Cross workers.


The army deployed hundreds of soldiers and police to pursue key insurgent leader Masoleh Dellamah and several of his followers in the jungle near the outskirts of Pattani. Dellamah is a skilled bombmaker and was behind the recent murder of a policeman.


Abu Sayyaf threatened to behead one of three Red Cross hostages if the military did not withdraw troops from part of Jolo Island. The commanding general of the Army visited soldiers in western Mindanao to boost morale.


Under intense public criticism, the military halted operations against Abu Sayyaf hostage-takers on Jolo Island after a week-long offensive aimed at freeing three Red Cross hostages failed. A senator asked other politicians to stay out of negotiations for the release of the hostages.

Former hostage: Abu Sayyaf does not fear military


Eleven people, including two police officers and a member of a bomb squad, were wounded by two bombs planted by Muslim insurgents at a food market and a coffee shop in Narathiwat province. Four paramilitary troops were killed in an ambush in Pattani province on March 20.


Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with President Arroyo to discuss the resumption of peace talks with MILF while the military warned of the possibility of further bombings conducted by MILF in Mindanao. Seventeen Filipino seamen were reported captured by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was blamed for bomb attacks on a market and a bus company in North Cotabato province, injuring at least seven and damaging two buses. The EU offered to mediate peace talks between the Philippine government and MILF insurgents.

Philippine President Arroyo and Tony Blair to discuss peace talks with MILF

Hostage release talks fail with Abu Sayyaf in Philippines


Hope for the swift release of a Red Cross worker held captive by Abu Sayaff has faded, despite movement of Philippine troops away from Abu Sayaff positions. A Philippine government panel is preparing for the continuance of peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.


The head of the Philippine Red Cross announced that he expects Abu Sayaff kidnappers will honor an agreement to free one of three employees held hostage. The Philippine Army will loosen its encirclement of the kidnappers on Jolo island to allow for negotiation.


A government policy review under Prime Minister Vejjajiva is considering giving the largely Muslim southern provinces local autonomy, including the introduction of Islamic courts and sharia law, in order to quell the bloody, five-year long insurgency.


For the second day in a row, Philippine marines battled Abu Sayaff terrorists holding three Red Cross workers hostage on Jolo island. At least six terrorists have been killed and 19 marines have been wounded. The fate of the hostages was uncertain.

Thai insurgency: Seeing it for what it is

Insurgents torch two schools in Thailand’s south

Surge in kidnappings in Philippines worries official


One day after the government announced a deployment of 4,000 more troops to Thailand’s southern provinces, three soldiers were killed and one was wounded in an ambush on their motorcycle patrol in Narathiwat province.

Thailand to deploy more troops to troubled southern provinces

Philippine military accuses MILF of hiding Abu Sayyaf insurgents

Philippine government halts pursuit of MILF commanders

Philippine security forces prevent MILF bomb attack


One day after Philippine President Macapagal-Arroyo announced the intention to resume peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic Front (MILF), intense fighting erupted between the Army and the MILF on the island of Mindanao. Two Filipino soldiers were wounded, along with an undetermined number of insurgent causalities.

Philippine government seeks resumption of peace talks with MILF

Thai Defense minister hopeful for continued arrests of RKK insurgents in southern provinces

Abu Sayaff insurgents in Philippines obtain high-powered weapons shipment

Terrorist threat against Saudi Arabia Airlines in Philippines