Author Archives: George Gorman


President, Mohammed Ould Abdel Aziz has outlined his method to fight al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, which includes the creation of new special forces, a larger allocation of supplies, refusing ransoms, and cross-border raids. Algeria and Mauritania are boycotting a six-nation security meeting in Mali to discuss approaches to fighting AQIM.


Indonesian authorities have arrested the radical preacher Abu Bakir Bashir for links to the terrorist camp dismantled in Aceh in February. Bashir is the spiritual leader of the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terror group. He is suspected of leading the radical Islamist group, Jema’ah Ansharut Tauhid.


Insurgents ambushed and killed an army ranger in Yala™s Krong Penang district. The US State Department’s annual report lauded Thailand’s cooperation in fighting terrorism and claimed that international jihadist groups have yet to penetrate the Islamist insurgency in southern Thailand.


Indonesian anti-terror authorities have arrested two suspected terrorists in the town of Sukabumi in West Java. The anti-terror squad, Detachment 88, apprehended the men after they left an Internet cafe and were near their rented house. The suspects reportedly have links to a terror group based in Lampung, Sumatra.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters have killed the mayor of the village of Baghlia in Boumerdes province as he was on his way to Friday prayers. Boumerdes is considered an AQIM stronghold. The US state department has praised Algeria’s anti-terrorism efforts over the last two years.


A police officer was shot dead and seven other officers injured when insurgents attacked their convoy in Nong Chik district of Pattani province. In Pattani™s Kapor district, insurgents killed one man and wounded seven others. Thailand and Malaysia have agreed to increase border cooperation and participate in joint military exercises in an effort to contain […]


A bombing carried out by suspected Abu Sayyaf fighters at an airport in Zamboanga city has left one man dead and over a dozen injured. The attack took place at the arrival gate of the airport; police are investigating whether the man killed was the bomber. The governor of Sulu province, the stronghold of Abu […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb released a statement accusing France of covering up negotiations with the group for the release of Michel Germaneau as well as with Pierre Camatte. AQIM asserts that Britain rejected negotiations to return the body of British national, Edwin Dyer, who was killed by the group a year ago. AQIM […]


Army rangers arrested a Moro Islamic Liberation Front commander in Casoon village, Monkayo town. Earlier reports of the suspect, Giovanni de Ocampo, identified him as a Jemaah Islamiyah operative but were later disproven. Numerous weapons and bombs were captured after a shootout.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A jailed senior Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member has pledged that the terrorist organization will seek out and kill more French citizens in retaliation for a raid that killed six AQIM soldiers. “I say to the infidels, the French crusaders and worshipers of the Crusaders and the Jews, that we will not be […]


Documents obtained from a slain Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist and interrogations of Abdullah Sunata have revealed that the al Qaeda-linked group had planned to attack Singapore’s subway system. A map of Singapore’s subway system found on the body of JI operative Ahmad Maulana had red markings and arrows identifying one targeted station. Jemaah Islamiyah was planning […]


Mauritanian authorities claimed its soldiers killed Bilal El-Djazaïri, Hamadou Abada’s deputy and a leading member of AQIM, during a raid on July 22 in which at least seven French Special Forces were killed. Spanish sources have reported that Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who currently holds two Spanish aid workers hostage, has moved them deeper into the Sahel […]


A bomb attack by suspected al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters has wounded three Algerian soldiers. The remotely detonated bomb struck the patrol in Ouattuba, north of Tizi Ouzou. AQIM has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at a security barracks in a village near Tizi Ouzou on July 25, in which they claim […]


Insurgents killed a 50-year-old Muslim man and a defense volunteer in Narathiwat. One insurgent was killed and two Muslim civilians were gunned down in Yala province. In Pattani’s Muang district, a village chief was murdered by three suspected insurgents in his home. Thai soldiers claim to have wounded at least one insurgent after engaging in […]

French hostage held by AQIM possibly killed prior to raid

Prime Minister Francois Fillon has expressed his suspicion that the 78-year-old French hostage, Michel Germaneau, was likely killed two weeks prior to the expiration of the deadline for his execution. Earlier, French President Nicolas Sarkozy had revealed that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s vague demands for the release of AQIM fighters in French prisons […]


Algerian security forces have claimed that Sidi Mohand Ouramdane, a known al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb emir, was responsible for masterminding the suicide car bombing in Ait Aissi that injured eight soldiers and killed one municipal guard. Ouramdane, who is also known as El Khechkhache, has been sentenced in absentia for terrorist activities.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has declared war on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and vowed to crack down on AQIM for the killing of Michel Germanaeu. Fillon declared: “We are at war with al Qaeda and we’ve provided military support particularly to the Mauritanian forces.” Mauritania has redeployed its army to 45 border […]

AQIM claims to have killed 9 French commandos in raid

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s latest press release has claimed that the group killed nine French special force commandos from the General Directorate for External Security, or DGSE, during a joint Mauritanian-French raid on an AQIM camp in northern Mali. The raid was bold attempt to free a French national, Michel Germaneau. With the […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed it killed nine French special forces commandos during a raid on the terrorist group’s camp on July 22. AQIM’s press release listed the names of the nine commandos killed and also provided other details about the attack.


Phillipine security forces have captured an Abu Sayyaf Group member after he was trying to depart the southern port city of Zamboanga to Sabah, Malaysia. Jirome Mustakin is wanted for his participation in the abduction and beheading of two Christian Jehovah’s Witnesses on Jolo Island in 2002 when he was just 14.


President Sarkozy has confirmed the killing of French national Michel Germaneau by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and has sworn that his murder “will not go unpunished.” The French government felt it was their “obligation” to attempt to free Germaneau after the AQIM abduction was “not preceded by the slightest beginnings of a dialogue […]


At least one person was killed and 8 soldiers injured after a suicide car bomber drove his vehicle into a building used by gendarmes in a village in the Kabylie region. The town watchman was killed in the village near the city of Tizi Ouzou in an operation likely executed by AQIM. Villagers say that […]


Mauritanian troops, aided by France, attacked an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb base in northern Mali, which resulted in six AQIM fighters killed. Mauritania said the raid’s aim was to thwart an attack, but France’s “technical and logistical” report indicates the aim was to free the French hostage, Michel Germaneau. France has refused to […]


Insurgents have wounded nine people in a bomb blast at a bus shelter in Sungai Kolok district, Narathiwat province. A teacher at Pattani Technical College was killed in a drive-by shooting in Muang district while a villager was killed in Nong Chik district. A soldier providing protection to teachers was wounded by roadside bomb in […]


Eleven al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb-linked men are on trial in Nouakchott for the kidnapping of three Spanish aid workers last year. Many of the men are being tried in absentia with four men present in court. One man was sentenced to 12 years for his role in the abduction while a Malian was […]


Detachment 88, the Indonesian anti-terror squad, has arrested two men connected to Jemaah Islamiyah in West and Central Java. One suspect, Mu™arifin, who was arrested in a mosque, was connected to the hotel bombings in Jakarta in July 2009 and the killing of police officers. The other suspect, Warsito, had known of the whereabouts of […]


Insurgents killed three people in the conflict-torn south that has seen emergency rule extended tell October. In Pattani, a 50-year old Buddhist was shot to death at his home while insurgents gunned down a 54-year old Muslim man outside of a mosque. In Sungai Kolok in Narathiwat province, a 57-year old Malaysian Karoake bar owner […]


Malaysian police arrested a suspected Jemaah Islamiyah recruiter after he returned from Thailand. Mohamad Fadzullah Abdul Razak, a 28-year-old engineer, has allegedly attempted to recruit students in his former university in the south of the country. He was arrested under the controversial Internal Security Act that permits indefinite detention without trial.


The Abu Sayyaf Group has kidnapped a Japanese national in Sitio Bas in Sulu province. The 70-year old Japanese treasure hunter was abducted by 10 armed men. It is estimated that the Abu Sayyaf Group has about 400 members left on the islands, the vast majority being under 30 years old.


Islamist terrorists killed four civilians in an IED attack near the eastern towns of Kenchela and Tebessa. Two former leaders of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Othmane Touati and Samir Moussaab, have appealed to their former comrades to give up their arms and renounce terrorism.