Author Archives: Daniele Raineri


Shabaab seized control of Yeed town on the border with Ethiopia from government forces after clashes that killed at least 17 people. Militiamen of the Ethiopian rebel group the Ogaden Liberation Front (OLF) crossed the border and helped the Somali insurgents. Shabaab fighters shot dead two demonstrators protesting the arrest of three religious leaders in […]


A top Islamist leader, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, called for more suicide attacks against African Union peacekeepers. Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, talking at Nasrudin mosque in Mogadishu, has warned schools not to use textbooks provided by the United Nations. A second senior Shabaab official addressed thousands of people in the football stadium of […]


The United Nations is investigating the use of its vehicles by suicide bombers who killed 17 African Union peacekeepers at their main base. Shabaab overran UN compounds in Jowhar and Baidoa in May and July, which has given rise to speculation that the vehicles were captured then. Gunmen have killed the secretary of the influential […]


Shabaab fighters have six more stolen United Nations vehicles primed as suicide bombs, the government said. The death toll from twin suicide car bombings at the African Union’s main base in Somalia rose to 21 Friday, including 17 peacekeepers. It was the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since 2007. France said Friday it has evacuated […]