Author Archives: Daniele Raineri


Somali police intelligence has confirmed that Shabaab sent “42 men armed with pistols” to government-controlled regions in Mogadishu to commit targeted killings. “Eritrea should be punished with severe sanctions for threatening the Horn of Africa region by supporting Somali rebels,” Somalia’s foreign affairs minister said.


Shabaab slaughtered a man in Mogadishu™s Bakara market and killed a police officer in Mogadishu. Shabaab rewarded the 17-year-old winner of a Koran recital in Kismayo with an AK-47 gun, two hand grenades, an anti-tank mine, and a computer. A UN agency is investigating three Somali businessmen based in Kenya on suspicion of diverting food […]


At least two civilians were killed after insurgents attacked an African Union base in Mogadishu. Shabaab imposed a curfew in Yed in the western Bakol region after government soldiers left the town. In Mogadishu, Shabaab arrested and whipped dozens of men for not having beards and whipped women for wearing bras.

Italy denies bribing the Taliban

Italian troops patrol outside of Kabul. EPA photo. According to the The Times of London, Italian intelligence secretly paid the Taliban thousands of dollars to keep the peace in an Afghan area under Italian control, without informing NATO allies. After French forces took control of the sector in 2008 the Taliban mounted a savage ambush […]


At least 12 people were killed after Shabaab attacked Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee’, a pro-government Sufi militia, in the Hiran region. Hizbul Islam rebels attacked a Shabaab base in Mogadishu. A mortar shell killed five civilians in Mogadishu. Shabaab commander Sheikh Ahmed Abu Yasir said that the group is happy to join with Taliban fighters […]


Shabaab has taken control of north Mogadishu after Hizbul Islam militias pulled out from the area. Twenty fighters with a battle wagon from Hizbul Islam defected to the government. Insurgents and government soldiers clashed in the Abdul Aziz and Shibis districts in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam™s public services officer, Sheikh Sulayman Sahal Muuse Abu Hanifa, gave […]


An American man has been arrested in northern Kenya while trying to enter an area of Somalia controlled by Islamists. Heavily armed Ethiopian troops crossed the border and entered three villages west of the town of Beledweyne. Jordan Abu Mohammad al Maqdisi, the spiritual mentor of Abu Mussab al Zarqawi, expressed his public support for […]


Intelligence officers intercepted a call made in Cape Town to al Qaeda cells in Somalia; the conversation confirmed a Somali plot to shift resources to South Africa and attack US interests. A Hizbul Islam commander was killed in Afgoye and a Hizbul officer in charge of finances was killed minutes later in Mogadishu. At least […]


Thousands of people were forced to watch as Shabaab masked men amputated a foot and a hand from each of two youths alleged to have robbed a car in Kismayo. Daud Mohamed Garane, the Chairman of Shabaab in Gedo region, warned Kenya to stop sending recruits to Somalia. “We can raid big Kenyan towns such […]

Somali minister aided Shabaab suicide attack

State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is better known as Indha’adde, sold intelligence to Shabaab that allowed the terror group to conduct a suicide attack that killed the deputy AMISOM commander and 20 others.


Sheikh Ahmed Abdurahamn Odawa, the highest-ranking military commander of Hizbul Islam, who is also known as “Taliban,” was killed with his two bodyguards in Ealasha Biyaha village south of Mogadishu. Ethiopian intelligence agents raided a Galkayo house overnight Wednesday, wounding at least two Somali men inside and capturing another. Three people were killed after Hizbul […]


“Insurgency groups are planning to use ambulances, police vehicles and tankers for suicide attacks on the government and AMISOM bases,” Mogadishu police warned. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed outside Kismayo after they agreed on a truce. A heavily armed convoy of Hizbul Islam left Mogadishu en route to Kismayo using the main road controlled by […]


Uganda freed Somalia’s State Minister for Defence Indha™adde a day after he was bundled into an unmarked car and questioned by security officials in Kampala. Shabaab threatened the medical staff of Medina hospital in Mogadishu, warning them against helping “apostate soldiers.” Two Shabaab fighters were killed in northern Mogadishu. The head of political affairs for […]


The leader of Hizbul Islam, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, called on Shabaab insurgents to agree to a ceasefire and end days of clashes around the southern port of Kismayo. “I am asking our brothers to stop the fighting, which is only useful to the enemy,” Aweys said. The death toll from yesterday™s battle in Jana […]


At least eight people were killed yesterday after Shabaab attacked Hizbul Islam in Jana Abdala, a Hizbul-controlled village west of Kismayo. Somali insurgents attacked AU peacekeepers in the Jalle Siad base and on Makka al Mukarama road in Mogadishu. Foreign warplanes have been seen flying low over the southern Mogadishu districts of Heliwa and Dayniile, […]


Top Shabaab leaders Sheikh Ahmed Abdi Godane and Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur met with Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys in Afgoye town to discuss the recent fighting in Kismayo. Shabaab gunmen on a reconnaissance mission clashed with Hizbul™s fighters in the outskirts of Kismayo. Shabaab commander Sheikh Ali Mohamoud Rage imposed new […]


Shabaab fighters pursued and attacked the remnants of Hizbul Islam forces that were routed and fled Kismayo. Preeminent Hizbul Islam leader and former government official Sheikh Aden Abdisalam Abdi was shot and killed in Beledweyne. The anti-Shabaab Islamist organization Ahlu Sunna Waljama conducted security operations in Galkayo. Gunmen released three foreigners who were seized for […]


Senior Shabaab and Hizbul Islam leaders were killed during yesterday’s heavy fighting in Kismayo, including the commander of Anole fighters, Ali Said, and Shabaab™s top commander for the Jubba regions, Aden Dhagoweyne. A Hizbul Islam convoy of battle wagons led by former governor Sheik Abdirahman Ibrahim Ma’ow regained control of Beledweyne and imposed a curfew. […]

Turf war in Kismayo

Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are acting quickly to curb the internecine war between their fighters in the port town of Kismayo in southern Somalia. At least 30 people have been killed in more than five hours of fighting after Shabaab launched a predawn raid against Hizbul Islam-held neighborhoods in the northern part of the city. […]


Shabaab attacked Hizbul Islam in the seaport of Kismayo city at dawn. At least 25 people have been killed and thousands of civilians fled the area. Shabaab was assisted by foreign fighters, residents said. A convoy of armed trucks led by Sheikh Hassan “Turki,” deputy commander of Hizbul Islam, left Mogadishu to reinforce Hizbul fighters.


Shabaab declared war on Hizbul Islam for control of the port of Kismayo town. “We will fight al Shabaab everywhere in Somalia if they so much as fire a pistol in Kismayu,” Sheikh Ismail Adow, spokesman for Hizbul’s executive council, said. Twelve civilians were killed after AMISOM troops and Somali insurgents exchanged mortar fire. The […]


Government and Ethiopian troops routed Hizbul Islam fighters from the central town of Beledweyne. Insurgents attacked the base of Burundian troops in south Mogadishu. Five civilians were killed by mortars in Mogadishu’s central Bakara market. A Shabaab firing squad executed two alleged “CIA spies” before hundreds of witnesses in northern Mogadishu™s Maslah market. The seaport […]


Shabaab plans to launch suicide attacks using small planes against Somali government and AU bases in Mogadishu. The group has withdrawn from the seaport city of Kismayo after Hizbul Islam and the Ras Kamboni Brigade poured in with armed trucks and after Hizbul™s deputy leader Sheikh Hassan Turki went to Mogadishu to discuss the situation […]


The governor of central Hiran region quit the Mogadishu government and declared his loyalty to Hizbul Islam. “Our fighters and weapons are now part of Hizbul Islam,” he told reporters. Businessmen in Mogadishu asked Shabaab to reopen roads that lead to the crucial Bakara Market, saying they would stop their financial support if the roads […]


Five civilians were killed after Hizbul Islam attacked an AMISOM base on the Makka al Mukarama road, which connects the Presidential palace and the airport in Mogadishu. Soldiers killed a sixth civilian in Dharkeynley district when a roadside bomb targeted them. Seven pirates were killed by AU peacekepers after they boarded a merchant ship and […]

Shabaab claims American was one of last week’s suicide bombers

A website affiliated with Shabaab celebrated a Somali-American from Seattle as one of the suicide bombers who conducted a complex assault against the African Union peacekeeper base in Mogadishu last week. The suicide bombers easily entered the AMISOM military compound while driving two white vehicles with United Nations markings. “We thought they were real UN […]


A Shabaab website celebrated an American from Seattle as one of the suicide bombers who killed 21 peacekeepers in Mogadishu last week. Hizbul Islam rejected Shabaab’s administration over Kismayo. “There should be mediation before there is bloodshed,” said Sheikh Hassan Turki, Hizbul’s deputy leader and the commander of the Ras Kamboni Brigade. Both sides are […]


Twelve civilians were killed in Mogadishu after Somali insurgents fired mortars at the presidential palace and attacked African Union bases. Shabaab conducted security operations against bandits on the main road that links Mogadishu to Km50 and signed a “total peace” agreement with the Daud clan in the middle region of Shabelle in southern Somalia. Uganda’s […]

Somali al Qaeda leaders captured in last week’s raid?

Abu Mansur al Amriki (standing, background) at the Abu Suleim camp in Somalia. Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera has some interesting news on the covert raid conducted by US Special Forces, dubbed Celestial Balance, that targeted an al Qaeda leader in Southern Somalia on Sept. 14th. According to a local stringer for the newspaper, […]


Shabaab has proclaimed its allegiance to Osama bin Laden in a video entitled “At your service, Osama” distributed in Mogadishu, where a public screening was also organized. In the video appears Abu Mansour al Amriki, an American citizen in charge of military training for Shabaab. Six civilians were killed in Mogadishu after insurgents and government […]