Author Archives: CJ Radin

Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans

North Korea

South Korea said the UN would impose tougher sanctions if North Korea went ahead with a third nuclear test. North Korea threatened to go beyond a third nuclear test because of “hostile” UN sanctions. North Korea loaded a video on YouTube showing a US city in flames after missile attack.


An ally of President Ahmadinejad was arrested by his opponents, highlighting a schism in Iran’s politics. Ahmadinejad traveled to Egypt, becoming the first Iranian leader to do so since 1979. Iran agreed to a new round of talks with world powers over its nuclear program.


Three former Kuwaiti opposition lawmakers were sentenced to three years in prison for insulting the country’s emir. On Sunday, a Twitter user was also sentenced to five years for a post considered offensive to the emir.


The Foreign Minister said Iran could consider a new round of talks between Iran and six world powers over its nuclear program. The talks would start on Feb. 25 in Kazakhstan. He also said Iran would support talks with Syria’s rebel leaders.


A judge issued arrest warrants for two top Syrian intelligence officials. They were accused of being involved with a former Lebanese minister who was plotting a wave of attacks at the behest of Syria.


Two Russians and an Italian were released in a prisoner exchange with rebels. The leader of the rebel Syrian National Coalition called on President Assad to respond to his offer for a dialogue. Nearly 5,000 Syrians were killed in January.

Palestinian Territories

Israeli forces in the West Bank arrested 25 members of Hamas, including three members of the Palestinian parliament. Sources said Israel planned to step up arrests to prevent a low-intensity conflict from turning into an uprising. Israeli intelligence said that three Islamic Jihad members arrested on Jan. 1 were planning to kidnap an Israeli soldier […]

Al Qaeda

Although splintered, al-Qaeda still poses threat to US interests

Al Qaeda

Militants’ Goal in Algeria Gas Plant Siege: Giant Fireball


Israel’s defense minister suggested Israel was responsible for an airstrike in Syria that he said demonstrated Israel’s commitment to preventing Hezbollah from obtaining weapons from Syria. Syria’s President Assad accused Israel of attempting to destabilize Syria.


A senior security official pledged Iran’s full support for the Assad regime in Syria. US Defense Secretary Panetta said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were exporting portable antiaircraft missiles. US Vice President Biden said the US was prepared to hold direct talks with Iran over its nuclear program.


After days of heavy fighting, rebels captured a strategic road linking Aleppo with its main airport. The head of the rebel National Coalition alliance held the first direct talks with senior Russian officials. He also planned talks with Iran. The Assad regime considered talks with the rebels.


Syrian Jihadist Groups Take Conflict To Lebanon


Protesting in Egypt because they have nothing else


A video of police beating a naked man inflamed anger against security forces and the government. The opposition National Salvation Front called for President Morsi to resign.


Analysis: France, Africa face tough Sahara phase of Mali war

Turn to Violence Across Middle East Raises Questions


Syria’s regime and rebels each try to use Israeli airstrike to their advantage


Israeli silence on Syria is strategic


US Secretary of State Clinton said Iran has stepped up its military and financial support to the Syrian government. There were also indications that Russia has continued to supply Syria with money and equipment.


Thousands of protesters hurled stones and firebombs at President Morsi’s palace gates as security forces fired tear gas and water cannons; at least 48 people were injured. More demonstrations occurred across the country.


Iran has told the UN nuclear agency it plans to upgrade the equipment at its Natanz plant, accelerating the production of enriched uranium. Iran’s oil exports rose as it circumvented economic sanctions.


Iran, Israel and Their Red Lines Over Syria


Egypt’s rival factions, the secular National Salvation Front and the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood, met and pledged to counter the political violence that has killed nearly 60 people in the last week. Eighteen suspects were arrested for belonging to the ‘Black Bloc’ group.


What we know about the Israeli air strike in Syria


Sanctioning Iran: Analyzing the Response from China, Japan and South Korea


Syrian allies Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah denounced Israel’s attack on a Syrian convoy. Syria protested to the UN and threatened to retaliate. The US warned Syria against transferring weapons to Hezbollah.

Al Qaeda

Despite early successes, fight against extremists in Mali to be protracted