Author Archives: CJ Radin


Report: Iran confiscates Buddha statues to stop promotion of Buddhism


A parliamentary leader said Iran would never close the Fordow nuclear site in exchange for easing economic sanctions. The Fordow plant produces 20 percent enriched uranium, which can be turned into weapons material. Iran’s navy plans to establish a new base near Pakistan’s border.


Hezbollah and Syrian rebels battled near Syria’s border with Lebanon. The clash showed the growing role for Hezbollah in Syria’s civil war.


Security forces broke up a terrorist cell. Eight nationals with links to Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon were arrested.


The UN Secretary General said Iran was on the same path toward developing a nuclear weapon as North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei denied Iran was developing nuclear weapons but warned that no state could stop Iran if it chose to do so. Iran blamed Israel for killing an Iranian general in Syria and said it would […]

North Korea

North Korea uses cash couriers, false names to outwit sanctions


Hezbollah’s leader Nasrallah warned Israel not to attack Lebanon and said Hezbollah doesn’t need Iranian weapons. The warning followed an Israeli attack on a convoy carrying weapons to Hezbollah.


Government troops bombarded the Golan bordering Israel. Rebels overran a base east of Aleppo airport and captured a large amount of ammunition. Druze clerics urged soldiers to defect from the Assad regime and join the opposition. Government forces kidnapped 300 people in northwestern Syria in retaliation for the abduction of 42 Shiites.


Afghan Withdrawal’s Main Hurdle – Getting Gear Out

North Korea

North Korea is preparing one or two more nuclear weapon tests this year, which could include another ballistic missile launch, to force the US into diplomatic talks. The US urged North Korea to refrain from provocations.


Assassination Will Not Weaken Iran’s Support for Assad


Massive protest movement emerges against Islamists in Bangladesh


Syrian Rebels Claim Near Control of a Key Province


Syrian business exodus gains pace


Heavy fighting around Aleppo airport has killed 150 rebel and government troops in the last three days. The opposition said it would not negotiate with anyone in the government who had participated in the military crackdown. The foreign ministry accused Turkey of harboring al Qaeda terrorists.


Violent protests continued into a second day and killed a policeman. Thousands of protesters blocked off a major road.


A general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was assassinated while traveling in Syria. Iran attempted to acquire 100,000 specialized magnets used in uranium enrichment machines, indicating it planned to accelerate its nuclear program. Iran denied having supplied arms to Islamist militants in Somalia.


Protesters demonstrated on the second anniversary of an uprising that demanded democratic reforms. One teenager was killed and dozens wounded as police fired tear gas and protesters threw firebombs.


Rebels shot down two military jets over Idlib province. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front seized a town in the oil-rich eastern province of Hasake. Government forces seized a key district in Homs after weeks of fighting. Protesting Lebanese blocked fuel shipments to Syria.


Eleven men went on trial for plotting suicide attacks on shopping malls and the US Embassy. All are accused of being members of al Qaeda.


Iran’s flight of fancy as image of new fighter jet is ‘faked’

North Korea

Analysis: North Korea nuclear-test drama rehashes old script


In a major engagement, government forces bombarded rebels in southeastern Damascus in an attempt to drive them out of the capital. The death toll has reached 70,000 in the two-year conflict. Qatar handed over Syria’s embassy to the opposition Syrian National Coalition.

North Korea

China Looms Over Response to Blast Test by North Korea

North Korea

North Korea conducted its third nuclear weapon test despite UN resolutions, and said it would never bow to the UN resolutions. North Korea threatened further hostile actions against the US. The test was condemned by many nations, including China, the US, Japan, Russia, and the UK, and by the UN Security Council.


Iran converted some if its enriched uranium into reactor fuel, rendering it unusable for a nuclear weapon. This is the second time Iran has taken this action, having converted 100 kg of its enriched uranium into reactor fuel last year.

North Korea

North Korea sends nuclear message, capability unclear

North Korea

N. Korea’s nuclear test raises tension, shows progress toward viable weapon


Lebanese military seals off a town involved in Syrian rebellion