Author Archives: CJ Radin


Almost 40 years in construction, the Bushehr nuclear power plant begins supplying electricity to the national grid. Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces launched a new offensive against Kurdish PAJK rebels in northwestern Iran.

Al Qaeda

Britain’s Former MI5 Chief Suggests Talks with al Qaeda


(Syria) The professor of propaganda

Why the Egyptian military won’t oust Mubarak

Editor’s note: Steven Sotloff is a Yemen-based Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who is currently reporting from Cairo. As pro-democracy protests enter their third week in Egypt, demonstrators have not relented in their primary demand – the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. With the president digging in and refusing to yield, […]

Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Army remain aloof from protests

Editor’s note: Steven Sotloff is a Yemen-based Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who is currently reporting from Cairo. Ever since protests broke out in Egypt on Jan. 25 calling for the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, much speculation has focused on two groups: the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. Both have […]

The military strategy in Afghanistan

Afghan and Coalition forces will focus on three key areas in an attempt to drive back the Taliban and restore security, while building up Afghan security forces to hold the regions.

Afghan Police Update: February 2009

The Afghan police have lagged behind the Afghan National Army; 85 percent of the Afghan National Police units are at the lowest rating level for capability and training.