Author Archives: CJ Radin


Moderate rebel groups in southern Syria received an influx of heavy weapons. In northern Syria, rebels with captured tanks launched an attack on a strategic government complex near Aleppo. The government responded with airstrikes.


Iran announced it had found new deposits of uranium ore and had identified the sites for 16 more nuclear power plants. The Revolutionary Guard began a three-day ground and air military exercise, and claimed it captured a foreign “enemy drone” near the city of Sirjan.


Mauritanian Civil-Society Groups Combat Islamist Threat


Iran maneuvers for upper hand ahead of nuclear talks


The opposition Syrian National Coalition said it would boycott the Friends of Syria conference in Rome next month because of the world’s failure to stop the violence. It also turned down talks in Washington and Moscow. A statement singled out Russia for supporting the Assad regime. The battle for Aleppo airport intensified.

North Korea

North Korea threatened the US with destruction if it went ahead with military exercises in South Korea. The US and South Korea will hold their annual exercise starting March 11 with 3,500 US and 10,000 South Korean troops.


New IAEA Report Shows Iranian Nuclear Advances


UK to train Lebanese troops amid fears of Syria overspill


The UK announced it would train 2,000 Lebanese soldiers amid concerns that Lebanon is being drawn into the Syrian civil war. The UK also offered to provide “equipment support” for the Lebanese army.


FSA and Hezbollah inch toward war, Lebanon in the crossfires again


Fighting continued to escalate between Syrian rebels and Lebanese Hezbollah. Three missiles hit residential areas of Aleppo. Government aircraft and artillery bombarded targets near Damascus Airport. The opposition National Coalition decided to set up a government for the “liberated” areas of the country.


Analysis: Iran economy far from collapse as sanctions tighten


Analysis: Power struggle, not nuclear deal, priority for Iranian elite


Iran began installing a new generation of high-speed uranium enrichment centrifuges at its nuclear plant in Natanz. UN inspectors confirmed that nearly 200 “IR-2m” centrifuges have been fully or partially installed so far.


Central Damascus was hit by a wave of car bomb and mortar attacks. A massive car bomb exploded near the ruling Ba’ath Party headquarters and Russian embassy, killing more than 50 people, including children. Within hours, two more bombs went off in the city and a mortar attack hit the army’s central command.


The head of public security said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were responsible for setting up a terrorist cell in Bahrain. The cell allegedly planned to assassinate public figures and attack government buildings, but was broken up and its members arrested on Feb. 17.


Saudi Arabia, Qatar press for more help to Syrian rebels


A former Lebanese minister and two Syrian Intelligence officers were indicted for plotting a wave of bomb attacks in Lebanon. The plots were allegedly instigated by the Syrian government.


SNC Cites Hezbollah Role in Syria


Fighting between government and rebel forces ground on around Damascus and Aleppo airport. Arms shipments to the rebels slowed. President Assad declared: “We are sure we will win.” The rebel Syrian Free Army issued an ultimatum to Hezbollah to stop its attacks in Syria or face retaliation in south Lebanon.

North Korea

North Korea posted another propaganda video on YouTube. It shows President Obama and US troops in flames, and ends with a simulation of a nuclear test.


Russia’s double dealing on arms to Assad regime leaves UK isolated over Syria


Syria: Aleppo’s Civil Front Seeks To Prevent Islamic Rule


Government reinforcements arrived in Aleppo following rebel advances. “The army will not let Aleppo airport go without a big fight,” an observer said. Fighting erupted in southern Damascus as government forces attempted to drive rebels out of the capital. A SCUD missile attack killed 20 people. The EU approved sending UK civilian and military trainers […]

North Korea

North Korea threatened South Korea with “final destruction.” The comment, made by a North Korean diplomat at the UN, drew criticism from South Korea, France, Germany, Britain, Spain, and the US.


The EU amended sanctions on Syria to allow more nonlethal aid, but rejected easing the arms embargo. Rebels captured a government checkpoint near the strategically important Aleppo airport. In support of the Syrian government, Hezbollah attacked villages near the Lebanese border.

North Korea

The EU tightened economic sanctions against North Korea. The new sanctions were imposed in response to North Korea’s third nuclear test.


Syrian Kidnappings Raise Fear of Expanded Conflict