Author Archives: CJ Radin


King Abdullah fired his government and appointed a new prime minister. King Abdullah said economic reforms required political change. Jordanians rallied to press for reforms.


Tunisians voted in the first Arab Spring election; turnout was high. The Islamist share of the vote will be watched as a bellwether for other Middle East elections.


Tehran’s Domestic Discontents

Gadhafi’s demise and the Arab Spring


US and Iraq Had Not Expected Troops Would Have to Leave


In its largest deployment in three years, Turkey sent 10,000 troops to the Iraqi border to battle PKK rebels. Saying Kurdish militants posed a “common problem” for Turkey and Iran, the two countries announced plans to cooperate against the Kurdistan PKK and its Iranian wing, the PJAK. Turkey urged Iran and the US to avoid […]


Prisoner Swap Resets Mideast Equation


Syrian forces killed 28 protesters as demonstrations surge following the death of Libya’s Gaddafi. Incursions by the Syrian army have aggravated political tensions in Lebanon.


Analysis: Gaddafi’s death a warning to Syrian, Yemeni leaders


President Muammar Gaddafi was killed after being captured by Libyan rebels in Sirte. Sirte, the last loyalist holdout, fell to rebel forces.


Syrian government troops mounted a large crackdown around the capital of Damascus. Thousands rallied in support of President Assad in Aleppo. Libya’s interim government became the first to recognize the Syrian opposition as the legitimate authority in Syria.


Kurdish rebels in attacked army outposts in southeast Turkey, killing 26 Turkish soldiers. Hours later, Turkey launched an offensive into the Kurdish region in Iraq. Two weeks earlier the Turkish parliament had approved cross border raids and one week earlier Turkey had urged Iraq to crack down on Kurdish rebels.

US Weighs Cyberwarfare Strategy

Stuxnet Computer Worm’s Creators May Be Active Again


Hamas feeling pressure amid changes in Middle East


Is a new Arab order emerging?


Hamas freed an Israeli soldier as Israel released hundreds of Palestinians prisoners in an exchange deal. Opinion vary widely on the implications of this deal. While 69% of Israelis support the swap, others see it as perpetuating the cycle of violence. Others see Hamas gaining popularity at the expense of Fatah.


Iran’s nuclear program has suffered more serious setbacks recently. The US and the UK have frozen the assets of five men accused of an Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador. Iran has secretly executed hundreds of prisoners.


US Secretary of State Clinton arrived in Libya to offer a new aid package and assistance in securing weapons. Libya launched a major assault into Sirte, the Gaddafi loyalists’ last holdout.


Iran acknowledged that the American accusation of an Iranian plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Washington might not be a total fabrication. The UN Secretary-General sent the case to Security Council.


The fighting in the country’s northwest suggests that the seven-month-old uprising against President Assad is becoming increasingly militarized. The Arab League stopped short of suspending Syria and instead agreed to create a committee to oversee the situation in Syria. President Assad formed a committee to change Syria’s constitution.


In Cairo Quarter, Islamists Try to Profit From Revolution


The Gaddafi stronghold of Bani Walid fell after a six-week siege, leaving only parts of Sirte still defended by loyalists. The US sent American contractors to Libya to track down and destroy heat-seeking antiaircraft missiles looted from government stockpiles.


Iran-US tension rising ahead of elections


President Obama is pressing United Nations nuclear inspectors to release classified intelligence information showing that Iran is designing and experimenting with nuclear weapons technology. Saudi Arabia has taken a first step to have Iran reported to the UNSC over allegations it plotted to kill a Saudi ambassador.


In an emergency meeting in Cairo, the Arab League will consider suspending Syria from the organization. The British foreign office rebuked Syria’s ambassador over the intimidation of dissidents in Britain. A US citizen was arrested in Virginia for passing sensitive information on anti-Assad protesters in US to Damascus. Arms smuggling into Syria flourishes.


Saudi officials advised Argentina four months ago of an alleged Iran-backed plot to kill the Saudi ambassador. Iranian oil sales are down and its foreign exchange access is being hampered by US and UN sanctions. The US said it was “actively” considering sanctioning Iran’s central bank, a move that could severely damage Iran’s economy. Iran’s […]


US Sending Contractors to Secure Libya’s Weapons