Author Archives: CJ Radin


The Syrian government forces continued to attack protesters in Homs. The Syrian opposition called Homs a “disaster area” and called for international protection. The failure of the Arab League brokered peace deal prompted the Arab League to call for an emergency meeting.


Details emerged on the IAEA report on Iranian efforts to develop nuclear weapons including the use of computer models and foreign experts. The Israeli president warned that an attack on Iran was becoming more likely. Russia warned against military action and France said such actions would be destabilizing.


US Tightens Drone Rules for Its Pakistan Attacks


U.N. claims that Iran made computer models of a nuclear warhead


Israeli forces boarded two boats of activists attempting to run the blockade of Gaza. Israel began deporting 27 “activists” detained during the boarding of two Canadian and Irish boats.


Despite the Arab League peace deal, the Syrian government forces remained in place and attacks on protestors continued. Syria said it would withdraw troops from the streets on Sunday and gave civilians one week to turn in their arms. The Arab League warned of disaster if its plan to end violence fails.


Tunisia’s unlikely allies say they are ready to bury differences


Libya: Pro-Gaddafi group targets hundreds for assassination


The IAEA will release a report next week on Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons. There are two different views on the outcome: the report will be damning and drive several nations to consider military action; or the talk of war is “overheated rhetoric” and diplomatic efforts to restrain Iran’s nuclear program will likely continue.


The Syrian government and the Arab League have reached an agreement to end the crackdown on the opposition. The agreement included pulling military out of cities, releasing of prisoners, allowing media access and holding talks with the opposition. The opposition has dismissed the agreement.


Euphoria Turns to Discontent as Egypt’s Revolution Stalls


India plans ‘world’s most dangerous railroad’ from Afghanistan to Iran


NATO’s chief ruled out intervention in Syria. The Arab League waited for Syria’s response to its plan to end the crisis. President Assad said he was popular because he “lives a normal life”.


New Israeli-Palestinian violence breaks out in Gaza. An Israeli airstrikes followed a Palestinian rocket attack. Attempts at a cease fire have been made but they have not succeed so far.

Palestinian Territories

The UN voted to grant the Palestinian Authority full membership in UNESCO. In response, the US cut off funding to UNESCO. In East Jerusalem classrooms, the Palestinian Authority’s version of textbooks compete with Israel’s version.


Afghans, Pakistan may use talks to ease tensions: Turks

The Arab world: Crescent moon, waning West


US quietly assumes military posture in Africa


An Israeli airstrike hit an Islamic Jihad training camp in Gaza, killing a commander and three fighters. Israel is concerned that antiaircraft weapons looted from Libya are making their way to Gaza. Palestinian president Abbas said the Arab world’s rejection of the UN’s 1947 plan to partition Palestine was a mistake.


Syrian troops killed 40 protesters yesterday and 10 more civilians today. The Arab League denounced the killing and called on Assad to end the violence. Syrian Army troops continue to defect and become more organized. Hezbollah’s leader Nasrallah said Syria was “largely out of the danger zone.”


Could Islamist rebels undermine change in Africa?


US Justice Department officials indicted five people and four companies for exporting radio equipment to Iran for use in roadside bombs in Iraq. The US Secretary of State encouraged the Iranian opposition to seek international support “as Libya rebels did.”


On the heals of a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas, Israel has agreed to release 25 Egyptian prisoners in exchange for one Israeli soldier. Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is expected to demand prisoner releases to resume peace talks. A Saudi Cleric has offered a reward for kidnapping Israeli soldiers.


Libya’s new rulers declared the country liberated, but seek further help from NATO. Gaddsafi’s son Saif al Islam offers to surrender to International Criminal Court. Qatar admitted it had troops in Libya during the rebellion.


Contradictory image of Turkey is confusing the Arab world


Watchdog slams US training of Iraqi cops


The US ambassador left Syria after “credible threats to his safety.” His contacts with protesters had led to attacks on the US embassy and residence by Assad loyalists. Both the EU and Iran renewed their criticism of the Syrian crackdown.