Author Archives: CJ Radin


Demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square entered their third day. Clashes with government forces turned deadly as 33 protesters where killed. Egypt’s interim civilian government submitted its resignation to the country’s ruling military council.


After Gaddafi son, spy chief run to ground


Syrian army defectors launched their first attack in Damascus. Violence continued as the Arab League deadline passed. President Assad said the crackdown would continue despite Arab League pressure.


Protesters clashed with government security forces for a second day in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Five people have been reported killed and 1000 injured over two days.


Syrian troops continued attacks despite Arab League’s demand to end the “bloody repression”. France and Turkey called for more pressure on Syria while Russia and China feared a slide towards civil war and called for more talks.


The US plans to adopt new sanctions targeting Iran’s petrochemical industry. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution condemning an Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US.


Protesters, mostly Islamist, gathered in Tahir Square to demonstrate against continued military rule. Security forces opened fire with tear gas and rubber bullets, injuring more than 200 protesters.


Syria military defectors taking active role in revolt


NATO forces may hand over violent provinces to Afghan control


Iranian officials meet with Syrian opposition


Iran’s civil defense organization detected the Duqu computer virus. Similar to the Stuxnet computer virus, Duqu is aimed at sabotaging Iran’s nuclear sites.


At least 70 were killed as army deserters fought troops and loyalists butchered civilians. The opposition called for the deployment of UN peacekeepers. Assad loyalists stormed the Jordanian embassy. The Syrian government freed 1,000 prisoners. Turkey threatened to cut electricity supplies and end cooperation on oil extraction.


India And Pakistan Agree To Normalize Trade Ties


Iran: Ahmadinejad goes on the offensive against clerical opponents


Qatar Presses Decisive Shift in Arab Politics


Syria faces mounting international pressure. The Arab League suspended Syrian membership and is prepared to send a 500 observers to Syria. The EU applied more sanctions. Jordon’s King called on Syrian President Assad to stand down. Russia opposed new sanctions, China called on Syria to implement a peace plan. Pro-government mobs attacked the embassies of […]


Warring factions divide Yemen’s capital


The real reason Arab League punishes Syria: Iran


Alarm Over Smuggled Libyan Arms


Niger grants asylum to Saadi Qaddafi; denies finding any surface-to-air missiles


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei denounced the UN nuclear report as a fabrication and said any invader would “receive a strong slap and iron fist.” US Defense Secretary Panetta warned of the consequences of military action against Iran. France threatened “unprecedented sanctions.” The US planned to sell “bunker buster” bombs to the UAE.


Homs: ‘Capital of the Syrian revolution’


Hamas support on the wane amid crackdowns on political dissent


Syria: 30 years on, are sanctions finally starting to pinch?


In the aftermath of the IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program, Iran said it will not retreat “one iota” from its nuclear program. France, Britain and Germany called for tougher sanctions. Russia rejected new sanctions. China favored continued negotiations. Israel said it could carry out strikes on Iran with under 500 civilian fatalities. The US […]


Gulf Arab States Share Israel’s Fears Over Iran’s Nuclear Program


Iranian influence seeping into Iraq