Author Archives: CJ Radin


Egypt elections: arguments rage in Cairo ahead of poll


Tahrir protesters don’t speak for all in anxious Egypt


Syria’s neighbors may soften sanctions blow


Syria remains defiant after the Arab League imposed sanctions. France said President Assad’s “days are numbered.” A Libyan Islamist militia leader plans to meet with the opposition’s Free Syrian Army. Russia is sending a flotilla of warships to its naval base in Syria in a show of support for the Assad government.


In its first election since the overthrow of President Mubarak, Egyptians cast their votes for a new parliament. Voter turnout was high. In Tahrir Square, several thousand protesters continued to call for an immediate end to military rule.


In an unprecedented move, the Arab League approved sanctions against Syria to pressure crackdown on dissent. Iraq refused to implement the sanctions while Lebanon “disassociated itself” from the decision. Qatar said that if Arab nations did not resolve the crisis, other foreign powers might intervene.


Analysis: Iran adopts wait and see policy on Syria’s crisis


Rival protests reveal a divided Egypt


Turkey seen as door to Syrian “humanitarian corridor”


Libya offered to supply the Syrian opposition with arms and fighters. Iraq’a Foreign Minister said it was “not possible” to impose economic sanctions on Syria due to its commercial ties with Iraq and the large number of Iraqi refugees there.


Analysis: Arab League breaks habit, turns on Syria


Syria did not respond to Friday’s deadline to allow Arab League observers into the country. Ministers of the Arab League will meet Saturday to draft economic sanctions that will be discussed Sunday. The Assad regime continued to receive support from the Syrian military and Russia and China.


In the largest turnout to date, tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end to military rule packed Cairo’s Tahrir Square. The US called on the generals to step aside “as soon as possible” and give real power to the new cabinet “immediately.” Egypt’s interim military rulers rejected an early transfer of power.

Egypt’s army is hijacking the revolution

Political Islam at a crossroads in Egypt


The Syrian crackdown on protesters continued. Both France and Turkey called for a humanitarian safe zone inside Syria. Defections from the Syrian Army reach 400 per day.


Protests calling for the military government to step down entered its sixth day. International criticism has begun as the death toll reached 38.

Vestiges of Mubarak’s Order Stifle Birth of New Egypt


Hezbollah may take over Beirut if Syrian President Assad falls


Army defectors escalate Syrian uprising


Libya’s Toughest Test May Be Building an Army


Canada and the European Union announced further sanctions on Iran. France called for sanctions on an “unprecedented scale,” and urged a halt to purchases of Iranian oil and a freeze on its central bank assets. Russia called the sanctions “unacceptable.” Iran said the sanctions “will have no impact.”


Turkey’s Prime Minister urged Syrian President Assad to step down or risk a tragic end. The UN Human Right Commission voted to condemn Syria. France said there were no plans for military intervention in Syria. Syria plans to use Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon to counter economic sanctions.


Protests in Tahrir Square continued for a fourth day. The ruling generals have offered to transfer power to a civilian president by July instead of late 2012 or early 2013; protesters rejected the generals’ offer.


U.S. Seeks Balance on Egypt Policy


In a new round of sanctions, the UK ordered its financial institutions to stop doing business with Iranian banks, including the central bank. The US plans to name Iran a “primary money laundering concern.” The Iranian foreign minister said sanctions were hurting the economy.


The CIA’s operations in Lebanon were badly damaged when Hezbollah captured more than a dozen US spies. In addition, Iranian intelligence agents discovered a secret Internet communication method used by CIA agents in Iran.