Author Archives: CJ Radin


Analysis: Russia’s Syria shift a bid to guard image, interests


Obama confronted al-Maliki on “secret alliance” with Sadr – White House source


Inside Syria: Soldiers defecting to join rebels


Syrian government troops attacked the rebellious city of Hama with an armored assault. For the second time in two day, rebels attacked Syrian army troops, killing 8. A US State Department official said “Our view is that this regime is the equivalent of dead men walking.”


Egypt held its second round of parliamentary elections; Islamist parties won 65 percent of the seats in the first round. Rival Islamic parties are seeking to extent their first round lead.


Homs: ‘Capital of the Syrian revolution’


Arrests in Iraq Raise Concerns About Maliki


Government forces killed 17 people while rebel soldiers killed seven police in an ambush. The head of the UN Rights Commission said the death toll has reached 5,000. Syria’s UN ambassador disputed the number, saying UN officials are “suffering from Syrianophobia”


Turkey – Erdoğan blames dictators for bloodshed in Middle East


Iran’s bid for power in postwar Iraq


French accusations put Syria’s allies in spotlight


A few Chinese hacker teams do most US data theft: experts


Hamas in Gaza says it’s learning from Arab Spring


A roadside bomb wounded five French peacekeepers in southern Lebanon. Lebanese leaders condemned the attack on the French forces.


Fighting erupted in Gaza after Israeli air strikes killed four Palestinians on Thursday. Palestinian fighters responded with a barrage of rockets. Another Israeli air strike was followed by further rocket attacks on Friday. Palestinian factions discussed the possibility of a ceasefire.


The Syrian government issued an ultimatum to the people of Homs to end protests in 72 hours or face a new offensive. A defected Syrian officer said 160 Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard members have been killed during clashes with the Free Syrian Amy. An opposition leader wants Free Syrian Army rebels to rein in […]


Egypt Islamists on collision course with military


The Muslim Brotherhood won 24 of 44 seat in the first round of the parliamentary elections. Egypt’s interim army rulers handed over presidential powers to the Prime Minister but kept control of military affairs and the judiciary. Salafist clerics issue a series of fatwas, including prohibiting Muslims from voting for Coptic candidates or their Muslim […]


President Assad denied ordering a crackdown and “most of the people that have been killed are supporters of the government.” Dozens of bloodied bodies, some of them mutilated and bearing signs of torture, were found in the streets Homs the last 24 hours. Both the US and French ambassadors returned to Syria, previously having left […]


Analysis: Israel’s Iran strategy: Bombs? Bluff? Both?

Nervous Gulf stresses unity amid Iran tensions


Egypt’s Legislature Faces Islamist Split

Analysis: Cold War with Iran heats up across Mideast


Islamists seek to extend gains in Egypt run-off vote


Blast That Leveled Base Seen as Big Setback to Iran Missiles


At least a dozen Syrian secret police have defected from an intelligence compound. The main opposition leader said that a post-Assad regime would would drop special ties to Iran. The Arab League won’t lift sanctions against Syria even after the country accepted its proposal on observers.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas is abandoning its headquarters in Syria and looking at other Arab states for a replacement. In response, Iran threatened to cut Hamas’ funds and arms supply.