Author Archives: CJ Radin


Killings in Syria continue in spite the government’s withdrawal of heavy weapons. Syrian army deserters killed 18 government security forces. The commander of the Free Syrian Army threatened to step up attacks on government forces. The Arab League called for an urgent meeting to decide whether to withdraw observers.


Egyptians headed for the polls in the third and final round of parliamentary elections. The Islamist Muslim Brotherhood party is expected to extend its lead.


Arab League Criticized Over Syria Observer Mission


Analysis: Blocs pursue short-term fixes for Iraq political crisis

Iran’s dangerous trade game


The commander of the Revolutionary Guard Corps backed away from recent threats to close Strait of Hormuz. Iran postponed long-range missile tests and signaled it was ready to reopen talks on its nuclear program. The US imposed further sanctions on financial institutions that deal with Iran.


Taliban mastering modern technology to circulate message

Closing Strait of Hormuz not so easy for Iran: analysts


Syria – The World’s Worst Human Rights Observer


Observers monitoring the Arab League peace plan arrived in Homs. Protesters reported they were “ being slaughtered” but the chief observer said he saw “nothing frightening.” Human rights monitors questioned the observer’s judgment and accused Assad of hiding tanks until the observers leave.

Factbox: Strait of Hormuz


With credibility on line, Arabs gambling that observer mission can bring pressure on Syria

North Korea

North Korean power-behind-throne emerges as neighbors meet


Analysis: Syria bombings signal deadlier phase of revolt


Islamist parties won two-thirds of the vote in the second round of parliamentary elections. In competing rallies, thousands demonstrated for and against the Egyptian Army.


Armed With Phone, and Dangerous to Syria


Iran said its navy would hold war games beyond the Strait of Hormuz. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the US military was ready to engage in a conflict with Iran if necessary. Sanctions have impacted Iran’s trade ties with Arab Gulf states.


Arab League observers have arrived to monitor the implementation of a peace plan. More than 100 people were killed in an ‘organized massacre‘ on a Syrian village. A human rights group said 6200 have been killed since the uprising began.


France passes genocide bill, angry Turkey cuts ties

Palestinian Territories

In the wake of the Arab Spring, Hamas took steps to reposition itself. Hamas is negotiating a deal to rejoin Fatah.

Analysis: Arab Spring stretches Islamist tag to its limits


The Gulf Cooperation Council called on Iran to stop interfering in the internal affairs of its members. Western sanctions are inflicting damage on Iran’s economy.


Clashes between protestors and security forces continued for the fifth straight day. Thousands of women marched to protest over soldiers’ abuses. An official said Egyptian military personnel accused of human rights violations against protesters would be prosecuted by military courts.


In an apparent reference to Iran, Saudi Arabia said the security of the Gulf states was being targeted. US, Europe, and key Arab states discussed how to maintain stability in the energy markets as a possible precursor to an embargo on Iran’s oil exports. Iran would be unlikely to replace its exports.


The Syrian government agreed to allow observers into the country to monitor an Arab League peace deal. The opposition dismissed the deal as a ploy. Some 60-70 Syrian army soldiers were shot while trying to desert. The UN passed a resolution condemning the violence.


Protests against the military government continued for the fourth day. An Egyptian general blamed the protesters for the violence.


Israel completed the second phase of its prisoner swap deal with Hamas, releasing 550 prisoners. In the first phase, which took place in October, 500 prisoners were released.


Analysis: Iraq resumes political strife in vacuum left by U.S.


For the third day, protestors and security forces clashed in Tahrir Square. Anger was stoked by images of a military police officer beating a woman.