Author Archives: CJ Radin


Qatar’s Emir called for Arab troops to be sent to Syria. The Arab League said there was no plan to do so at this time. As Syrian army desertions continued, a former army general announced the creation of a council to oversee all military operations against the Assad regime.


The US said Iran would cross a “red line” if it tried to close the Strait of Hormuz. Russia said military intervention in Iran would be a threat to Russia’s own security. Iran said it would discuss allegations it was involved in nuclear weapons work.


Iran called for revenge for the killing of one of its nuclear scientists. Japan agreed to reduce its imports of Iranian oil. The US imposed sanctions on China’s Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp, Iran’s largest supplier of refined petroleum products.


Analysis: Arab monitors flounder amid Syrian violence

EU moves towards agreement on details of Iran oil embargo

Adversaries of Iran Said to Be Stepping Up Covert Actions


An assassin killed a Iranian scientist involved in its nuclear program. Iran accused the US and Israel; the US denied responsibility. This was the latest in a series of attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists and facilities.


The first Western journalist was killed in Syria’s uprising. An Arab League monitor resigned, calling the mission a farce and accusing the Syrian regime of war crimes.


China faces tough balancing act over Iran


The US has said Iran’s uranium enrichment at an underground bunker was a “further escalation.” Russia expressed regret and concern. Europe and Japan moved forward with plans to cut Iranian oil imports.


In his first public speech since June, President Assad vowed to crush opponents with an “iron fist.” Pro-Assad supporters attacked Arab League monitors. The general in charge of the monitors said the mission was just starting and that he was seeing “enough” cooperation from the regime. Israel is preparing for the fall of the regime.

Ahmadinejad: Caracas or Bust

Factbox: Middle East oil, gas shipping risks, alternative routes


Protests show Syria more divided


Salafi leader offers Egypt army a safe exit


Is the conflict in Iraq really sectarian in nature?


The IAEA confirmed Iran has started uranium enrichment in an underground bunker. Iran imposed a death sentence on an American man accused of spying. China rejected sanctions on Iranian oil, but it cut Iranian oil purchases anyway.

Asian Customers of Iran Look for Other Oil Sources

Iran has divided view of US Navy’s rescue of Iranian fishermen


President Ahmadinejad will visit Latin America in an attempt to gain local support. The US expelled the Venezuelan consul general over links to an Iranian cyberattack plot. Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor will reach full capacity within weeks.


The UK threatened military action if Iran attempted to close the Gulf of Hormuz. Western nations prepared contingency plans in case Iranian oil supplies are cut off. Iran prepared to move uranium enrichment into underground bunkers. Iran mounted a crackdown on internet cafes.

Iran’s warnings in Gulf reflect hardening military doctrine


In the wake of international tensions over Iran, Israel said it would conduct joint military exercises with the US. The exercises would test missile and air defense systems and coordination between US and Israeli forces.

Will Iran make good on its threat against US?


Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met in Jordan for the first time in more than a year. The Palestinian president threatened to take “new measures” against Israel if the meeting failed to bring about a resumption of peace talks.


Iran warned US aircraft carriers not to return to the Persian Gulf after the USS Stennis exited the gulf. The US dismissed the warning. France said it was convinced Iran was developing nuclear weapons and called for stricter economic sanctions.