Author Archives: CJ Radin

With EU On Board With Iran Oil Sanctions, Western Eyes Turn To Asia


The European Union banned Iranian oil imports. British and French naval ships joined the US carrier group in the Strait of Hormuz. The UN’s nuclear watchdog agency confirmed it would send a mission to Iran by the end of January.


Syria rejected an Arab League-sponsored plan for President Assad to step down and hand over power to his deputy, calling it flagrant interference in Syria’s internal affairs. The EU expanded sanctions. Russia signed a $550 million deal to sell Syria 36 jet aircraft.


Iran warned Saudi Arabia against raising oil production to replace embargoed Iranian oil. Iran asked India to pay for oil in yen to help circumvent sanctions.


The Arab League extended its monitoring mission for another month and declined an opposition request to refer the matter to the UN. Saudi Arabia withdrew from the mission, saying the “Syrian government did not execute any of the elements of the Arab resolution plan.”


In Syrian City, a Calm That Few Expect to Last

Fatah is unsettled by Hamas head Meshaal stepping down

Rights group urges West to get over Islamist aversion


With parliament opening, Egypt’s Brotherhood strikes a cautious tone over Islamic agenda


Protesters attacked the ruling NTC headquarters in Bengazi, calling for more transparency. The Vice President of the NTC resigned after the attacks. ENI, the largest foreign oil producer in Libya, said it was producing oil at close to pre-war levels.


Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ‘to step down’


Islamist parties won the elections for the Egyptian parliament. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party won 47 percent of the seats and the hardline Salafi al-Nour party won 24 percent.

Great Salt Desert bunker could be trigger for an attack on Iran


Japan said it would continue to cut imports of Iranian oil. The major powers said they were open to renewed talks with Iran. After Iranian warnings, a US aircraft carrier sailed into waters off Iran. The UK banned Iranian state TV from British airwaves.

China begins to turn against Iran

Navy actions help cut Somali pirate hijacking

Not-so-covert Iran war buys time but raises tension

Russian Says Western Support for Arab Revolts Could Cause a ‘Big War’


Russia said a military assault on Iran could cause a “chain reaction” that would destabilize the world. The US said it was ready for any contingency and that Iran was helping Syria export oil and evade sanctions. The EU is expected to agree on an oil embargo against Iran and a freeze on the assets […]


Arab League monitors ended their mission although killings persisted, and will release their report this weekend. Syrian troops withdrew from a mountain town, allowing the opposition to take control. The EU planned new economic sanctions. Russia said it would block any Western military intervention in Syria.


US officials urged South Korea to reduce oil imports from Iran. The UN’s nuclear monitoring agency plans to send a delegation to Iran by the end of January.


The government rejected a call for Arab troops to be sent to stop the violence. Hamas leaders evacuated their families due to the deteriorating security situation. Both the US and France said Iran was supplying Syria with weapons.


Costs in doubt as NATO moves toward smaller Afghan force


Syria: beyond the wall of fear, a state in slow-motion collapse


Europe is expected to agree to ban the import of Iranian oil by the end of the month. Saudi Arabia said it could make up for the loss of Iranian oil exports. Iran warned Gulf Arab states they would suffer consequences if they raised oil production to replace Iranian oil.


The US and Israel agreed to postpone a joint military exercise to avoid exacerbating tensions in the region. Mossad agents were alleged to be behind the recent assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist.


An agreement was reached between the political parties to install a Muslim Brotherhood leader as speaker of the newly elected parliament. The Islamist parties won 69% of the seats in parliament.


Iran warned oil-producing Gulf states not to boost production if Iran’s crude exports are affected by Western sanctions. State television said it had evidence the US was behind the killing of the recently slain Iranian nuclear scientist. The US warned Israel not to attack Iran.


Syria’s army weakened by growing desertions


Syria, in Deep Crisis, May Be Slipping Out of Control