Author Archives: CJ Radin


Text of proposed UN Security Council resolution on Syria vetoed by Russia, China


The head of US intelligence said Iran was keeping its options open on nuclear weapons and that Iran was now willing to attack the US on its own soil. The German chancellor will urge China to cut Iranian oil imports. Iran launched a Spanish-language TV channel.


Concerned over its deteriorating public image, Egypt’s military sacked the general in charge of media affairs. The US Embassy in Cairo sheltered three US citizens to protect them from arrest by Egyptian authorities investigating US-sponsored nongovernmental organizations.


The Syrian army attacked opponents in a suburb of Damascus. After heavy fighting, Free Syrian Army rebels withdrew from the area. Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council urged Syria to accept the Arab League peace plan. The Arab League sought support from China and Russia.


Yemen: Saleh’s military support fading as protests spread to previously loyal Republican Guard


Russia backing of Syria’s Assad seen as way to maintain foothold in Arab world


Syria’s crisis: It looks like civil war


Former ‘Sons of Iraq’ targeted by insurgents after U.S. pullout


Russia Sides Firmly With Assad Government in Syria


Escalating violence caused the Arab League to suspend its observer mission. The leader of Hamas left his offices in Damascus. The UN Security Council debated a draft resolution calling for the ouster of President Assad.


The Philippines and the US discussed expanding the American military presence in the country. In preliminary talks, officials on both sides said they are favorably inclined toward a deal.


President Ahmadinejad signaled his readiness to renew talks about Iran’s nuclear program. India said it would continue to buy Iranian oil.


The Arab League asked the UN Security Council to back its peace plan in Syria. Russia said it would promote its own peace plan at the UN.


Six Americans who work for organizations promoting democracy in Egypt were barred from leaving the country, prompting an angry response from the US.


Azerbaijan claimed it broke up an Iranian plot to assassinate the Israeli ambassador and others in revenge for the killing of nuclear scientists in Iran.


The head of the Syrian Red Crescent was shot dead. The UN Security Council is considering a Western and Arab League resolution calling for President Assad to step down. Russia said it would resist any UN-led sanctions. US and Russian diplomats held talks in Moscow to resolve differences over Syria.


The Arab League’s potent sting has stunned Damascus


Following Saudi Arabia’s lead, the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council – Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and the UAE – withdrew their monitors from the Arab League mission. The GCC also called on the UN Security Council to take up the issue. Syria agreed to a one-month extension of the monitoring mission.


The town of Bani Walid, a former Qaddafi stronghold, rebelled, driving out the ruling National Transitional Council’s militia.


Fear reigns in Syria city at the center of the uprising

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Algerian security forces foiled a plot by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to carry out suicide attacks on US and European ships in the Mediterranean from the coast of Algeria.


The head of Egypt’s ruling military council said the country’s state of emergency decree would be lifted. The decree had been in place since 1981.


In Egypt, Signs of Accord Between Military Council and Islamists