Author Archives: CJ Radin


The Libyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood allied with other Islamists to establish a new political party. The first post-Gaddafi elections are set for June.

North Korea

North Korea agreed to suspend its nuclear weapons program in exchange for food aid from the US. In the past, North Korea has made similar promises.


The Free Syrian Army retreated from the Bab Amr neighborhood in Homs. The civilian Syrian National Council and the military Free Syrian Army set up a joint command center. A Free Syrian Army commander said Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah brigades were fighting alongside the Syrian army.


Iran Invokes the West to Scare Up Voters


A remote-controlled bomb mounted on a motorbike exploded as it passed close to the Istanbul headquarters of Turkey’s ruling AK Party, injuring 10 people. Kurdish separatist groups as well as Islamist militants have carried out similar bomb attacks in Turkey in the past.


Heavy fighting raged in the Baba Amr district of Homs; its status remains unclear. Helicopter gunships fired on civilians. The UN said up to 100 civilians per day have been killed.


Egypt lifted a travel ban on 43 nongovernmental organization employees, including 19 Americans, on trial for receiving illicit foreign funding. The defendants would each have to post $330,000 bail.


Iraq hails improving Saudi security ties


Amnesty International said Iran had escalated a crackdown on dissent in the run-up to this week’s election for parliament. Among those arrested are journalists, political activists and their relatives, religious and ethnic minorities, filmmakers, and people with connections to international media.


Tunisia said it was ready to grant asylum to President Assad. The political leadership for the Palestinian group Hamas left Syria for Egypt and Qatar. Rebels said they shot down three military helicopters. The UN said over 7,500 people have been killed during the 11-month uprising.


Thai police arrested three more Iranians over the Feb. 14 bombings in Bangkok. Another suspect, a middle-aged man from the Mideast believed to be an explosives expert, remains at large.


Iran may be struggling with new nuclear machines


Syrian government forces began a massive assault on the city of Homs. The Syrian military also launched offensives against towns in the northwestern province of Idlib.


Attacking Iran: Up in the air


Iran: Tougher sanctions, From half-hearted to harsh


As Syria prepares to vote on new constitution, some still support Assad


US planning to boost sea and land defences in Gulf as Iran war fears grow


US President Obama said the US and its allies would consider “every tool available” to stop the killing in Syria. US Secretary of State Clinton suggested the Syrian military could oust President Assad. The EU implemented new economic sanctions. Syria held a referendum on a new constitution.


Israel signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan. Turkey restricted Israel’s use of its air space for cargo flights.


Libya and France have agreed to military cooperation in maritime security and Libyan border control. Libya urged its neighbors to hand over supporters of ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi who have fled the country. Clashes flared up between rival tribes in southeast Libya.


The IAEA said Iran was rapidly expanding its production of enriched uranium. Some US and European officials discounted reports that Iran and al Qaeda have stepped up cooperation.


Hamas ended its support of the Assad regime and declared its backing of the opposition. The “Friends of Syria” conference agreed to tighten sanctions, but stopped short of arming the opposition. The UN reported that Syrian forces have committed crimes against humanity.


Syrian forces continued their artillery barrage in Homs, killing more that 80 people, including a US journalist and a French photographer. Saudi King Abdullah told Russian President Medvedev that any further dialogue about the Syrian crisis would be fruitless. Russia, China, and Iran reaffirmed their support for Syria.


After two days of talks, the IAEA failed to reach an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said his country’s nuclear policies would not change. Russia warned that a strike against Iran could have “catastrophic” consequences.


As Syrians flee Homs, sectarian faultlines deepen


Russia boosts arms sales to Syria despite world pressure


A military official said Iran would take preemptive action if its national interests were threatened. India and China said they would cut oil imports from Iran. Combined, India and China buy 45% of Iranian oil exports. Japan was also near a deal to cut oil imports.


US senators, Afghan leaders discuss parameters for long-term partnership


Political risks to watch in Syria