Author Archives: CJ Radin


Azerbaijan security forces arrested 22 “Iranian spies”. They were suspected of being trained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to carry out terrorist attacks against the US and Israeli embassies.


Syrian army troops took control of the northwestern city of Idlib and began attacks on the southern city of Daarah. Saudi Arabia has closed its embassy. Russia said President Assad was too slow in making reforms.


Syria authorities, opposition trade blame in civilian deaths


Israelis see Iran mini-drill in Gaza flare-up


Government forces continued their assault on Idlib, and planted mines along routes used by refugees fleeing to Turkey and Lebanon to escape the violence. Russia said it would not stop selling weapons to Syria. President Assad announced parliamentary elections in May.


After four days of air strikes and rocket attacks, Israel and Gaza militants agreed to a ceasefire. After a day, the truce appeared to be holding.


The opposition accused government forces of murdering 47 people in Homs, including women and children. State media acknowledged the killings but denied responsibility. The UN Security Council discussed the crisis but reached no agreement. An Iraqi Sunni tribal sheikh admitted to sending men and arms to Syria to support the rebellion.


In Gaza, attacks between Israel and Palestinian militants continued for a fourth day. Hamas tried to mediate a truce. Egypt’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire stalled over Islamic Jihad’s demand that Israel stop targeting militant leaders.


Attacks in Gaza continued for a third day. Israeli airstrikes have killed 18 people, while Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel injured four. Israel has intercepted over 40, or 80%, of the rockets this weekend; one landed in a schoolyard. Islamic Jihad and the PRC are believed to have launched the rockets.


Syria’s Bashar al-Assad firmly in control, US intelligence officials say


Analysis: Eyeing Iran, Israel focuses on the day after


Israel launched an airstrike in Gaza, killing Zuheir al-Qessi, leader of the Popular Resistance Committees, the organization that captured former IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. A second airstrike killed two members of Islamic Jihad as they prepared to fire rockets into Israel.


In the largest demonstration in the past year, tens of thousands of Bahrainis marched demanding democratic reforms. The march was in response to the urging of a Shia cleric for people to renew their calls for greater democracy.


On Iran Nuclear Effort, 2 Questions Split U.S. and Israel


Hamas ties to Syria and Iran in flux as region shifts


Satellite images of Iran indicate attempts to clean up radioactive traces left by tests of nuclear-weapon triggers. Turkey cut oil imports from Iran.


Gaddafi hid arms in Libyan embassies across globe


Syria’s deputy oil minister announced his defection to the opposition, the highest-ranking official to do so. Echoing a Chinese statement, Russia called for an immediate end to violence. In a Homs suburb, 62 people were killed. The Syrian army sent reinforcements to the northwestern province of Idlib.


An Indian journalist working for an Iranian news agency was arrested in connection with last month’s car bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat. Israel has accused Iran of being behind the attack.

North Korea

No policy shift from new North Korea leader despite nuclear deal


Ill-armed Syrian rebels wage unequal struggle


US general: Syria’s Assad likely to stay in power ‘for some time’


Six world powers agreed to new talks with Iran over its nuclear program. Hamas said it would not support Iran in case of a war with Israel. Ayatollah Khamenei ordered officials to set up a body to control the Internet.


Tribal leaders and militia commanders in Benghazi declared eastern Libya to be a semiautonomous state. A Libyan leader in Tripoli threatened to use force to prevent the autonomy bid.


Iraq and Saudi Arabia show signs of improved relations after years of strain


President Ahmadinejad suffered a defeat in parliamentary elections as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei loyalists made substantial gains, winning over 75 percent of the seats. An Iranian court overturned the death sentence for an American accused of spying.


The Syrian military expanded its crackdown after eliminating the opposition in the Baba Amr district of Homs. China urged an end to violence but rejected any outside interference. Saudi Arabia said Syrians had a right to take up arms against the regime. US Senator McCain called for airstrikes.


Al Qaeda militants serious threat as Yemen transitions away from Saleh


Egyptian lawmakers clash over Islamist role in writing next constitution


Iran held parliamentary elections. Early returns showed loyalists to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rivals to President Ahmadinejad, made substantial gains.