Author Archives: CJ Radin


Syria’s opposition groups, meeting in Istanbul, tried to form a more united front. Turkey and the United States planned to provide “nonlethal” aid to Syrian rebel groups. Turkey closed its embassy, following similar closures by several other countries.


Turkey’s former military chief of staff went on trial for “terrorism.” General Ilker Basbug was accused of being the leader behind a series of plots against the government of Prime Minister Erdogan.

United Arab Emirates

The police chief of Dubai warned that the Muslim Brotherhood was plotting to take over the Persian Gulf states. The states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have been governed for centuries by ruling families.


Hundreds of riot police fought Shiite protestors in Sitra, a poor district southeast of Manama. Sitra has long been a battleground for Shiites who feel the government has marginalized them politically and economically.


An estimated 40,000 Moroccans participated in a pro-Palestinian march in the capital of Rabat. The march was staged by Al-Adl Wal Ihsan, an Islamist group.


The Syrian army bombarded the cities of Homs and Saraqeb. Thousands demonstrated across the country. A high-level army defector announced that armed rebel groups have united under the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army killed two government soldiers and captured 18, in an attack near the Turkish border.


Iran helping Assad to put down protests


Fear enters Damascus as conflict nears


Egypt began selection of a constituent assembly charged with drafting a new constitution. Islamists and secularists clashed over control of the process.


Syrian government troops attacked opposition areas and rebel fighters around the country, killing 59. The rebels’ Free Syrian Army began running out of ammunition.


A new version of the Duqu software worm, a Stuxnet variant, was found in Iran, indicating that its creators were still at work. A Chinese company sold Iran surveillance systems capable of monitoring landline, mobile, and Internet communications. China criticized US efforts to restrict Iran’s oil trade.


The UN Security Council agreed to a statement calling for an end to the violence in Syria. Unlike past resolutions, Russia and China also agreed. Syria’s opposition denounced the statement. Violence across Syria continued.

ISAF’s new plan for Afghanistan

General Allen said in testimony before Congress that US was scaling back its planned operations in Eastern Afghanistan due to reduced forces available.


Syria’s conflict has significance far beyond its borders


Report: Syria Arms Imports Surge Thanks To Russia


Heavy fighting broke out in Damascus. Clashes were reported in the affluent Mezze neighborhood, where embassies, security buildings, and homes of members of Assad’s inner circle are located. The government blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for bomb attacks in Damascus and Aleppo.


A car bomb exploded near a security building in the northern city of Aleppo. The supply of black market weapons to rebels has been depleted. Iraq said it would not allow Iran to transit weapons to Syria.


Iran Intelligence Crisis Showed Difficulty of Assessing Nuclear Data


Thousands of opposition supporters rallied in the capital’s Pearl Square. One year earlier, security forces stormed the protesters’ encampment after authorities had imposed martial law.


Indian police have linked the bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat to the failed bomb attack in Thailand. Israel blamed Iran for both attacks.


US Military Aid to Egypt to Resume, Officials Say


Two car bombs struck security buildings in Damascus, killing 27. Fighting returned to Damascus several weeks after government forces had cleared the area. Following Bahraini and Saudi Arabian closures, four more Arab states closed their embassies, while Turkey advised its citizens to leave.

North Korea

North Korea announced it would launch a long-range missile, putting into jeopardy an agreement with the US for food aid. Both China and Russia urged North Korea not to do so.


Tunisian protesters demand Islamic state


The BBC accused Iran of a cyberattack on its Persian news service. An key international financial transactions firm cut ties with Iranian banks, hindering Iran’s ability to conduct international business. Iran began stockpiling food ahead of further sanctions.


Syria marks revolt anniversary amid violence


Syrian rebels lack guns, money after key defeats


The Syrian army attacked the southern city of Deraa with tanks and armored vehicles. Refugees flooded into Turkey. Turkey considered setting up a buffer zone inside Syria. Bahrain closed its embassy.