Author Archives: CJ Radin


Analysis: Syria peace plan seen buying Assad time


Signaling the failure of the latest UN peace deal, Syrian government troops renewed attacks into rebel areas. Activists reported tank assaults, shelling, and scores killed. Russia warned Western and Arab nations against arming Syrian rebels.


Text of Annan’s six-point peace plan for Syria


Brotherhood’s presidential bid raises fears Egypt’s democratic change will be cut short


Violence continued across the country. The government agreed to another peace plan, vowing to pull troops out of cities by April 10. US and Arab states agreed to provide financing to rebels, including salaries to rebel fighters.


Egypt’s Coptic Church representatives withdrew from the committee drafting the nation’s new constitution. Liberals have also withdrawn, leaving the committee dominated by Islamists.


Parliament in the bag, Egyptian Islamists now eye presidency


Syria’s outgunned rebels in Idlib turn to homemade bombs


The Arab League’s latest attempt to broker a peace deal failed. Syria said it would not be the first to withdraw its forces, and its army would remain in the cities until “peace and security” prevailed. A Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said: “The battle to topple the state is over.”


Extremists control hundreds of Tunisia’s mosques: religious affairs minister


US officials think Israel has been granted access to airbases in Azerbaijan, providing a potential staging area for an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Azerbaijani officials denied they had done so.


Fighting continued in Syria despite a UN-sponsored peace deal. Rebels stepped up a campaign to assassinate military officials. Kofi Annan said Assad’s forces must be first to cease fire and withdraw. US Secretary of State Clinton and Saudi King Abdullah met to discuss raising the pressure on the Syrian regime.


Egypt military looking to keep its grip at least on economy


Amid fresh diplomacy, U.S. still wary of direct Syria role


Israeli security forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades to break up Palestinian demonstrations at the annual “Land Day” rallies. One Palestinian died.


Islamists find foothold in Syria revolt


President Assad said he would cooperate with the UN peace plan if rebels halted violence. The opposition said it would cooperate with the plan only if Assad’s forces halted violence. Arab League leaders called for its immediate implementation. Iran also backed the plan.


Violence in Syria continued in spite of President Assad’s acceptance of a peace plan on Monday. The UN secretary general and Arab foreign ministers urged President Assad to implement the plan.


Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan arrived in Tehran for talks over Syria and Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s foreign minister announced a date, April 13, for renewed nuclear talks with the group of the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany.


Tiny Qatar played outsized role as Arab League president. Will it last?


Sudan and South Sudan clashed in a series of battles along their border. Each accused the other of striking first. Sudan’s president canceled a summit in which two landmark agreements with South Sudan were to be signed.


A tribe in southern Libya threatened to form a separate state after bloody clashes with a rival tribe. Earlier this month a tribe in eastern Libya also threatened to form a separate state.


Egyptian army takes on Islamists to retain power


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood faces sharp internal divisions over presidential race


The Syrian government accepted a peace plan sponsored by the UN and the Arab League. Unlike previous attempts, this plan has the backing of Russia and China. Nevertheless, heavy fighting continued. The UN said 9,000 have died so far.


Forced Religious Conversions Hike Pakistan Minorities’ Fears