Author Archives: CJ Radin


Many in Egypt Muslim Brotherhood are wary of plunge into politics


Egypt’s conservative Islamist party endorsed a liberal Islamist for president, calling it a reaction against the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate. The Muslim Brotherhood said the ruling generals planned to reshuffle the cabinet.


Border clashes between Sudan and South Sudan killed 21 people. South Sudan said it would pull out of a disputed region. Sudan’s President declared a state of emergency for the area. China offered South Sudan $8 billion in aid.


Analysis: Cease-Fire in Syria Buying Time at a Cost


A suicide bomber killed at least 10 people outside a mosque in Damascus. The Syrian government and opposition activists blamed each other.


A massive explosion killed 70 in Hama. Activists blamed the government while the government blamed a ‘terrorist’ bomb factory. Activists called for an emergency UN meeting over the attack.


Secret Gaza ballot starts Hamas leadership vote

North Korea

China warned North Korea not to carry out another nuclear weapons test. North Korea claimed it had weapons capable of defeating the US.


Syria running out of cash as sanctions take toll, but Assad avoids economic pain


UN envoy Kofi Annan said the situation in Syria was “bleak” and that the Syrian army was still carrying out operations where UN observers were not present. The French foreign minister said the UN should be prepared to take military action.


The number of deaths rose sharply. The Syrian military halted violence in areas entered by UN observers but resumed once the monitors left. Activists reported reprisals. Despite claims, government forces have not withdrawn heavy weapons from populated areas. The UN is under pressure to move quickly to send more observers to Syria.


Fears of extremism taking hold in Syria as violence continues


Ending a one-day lull, government forces renewed their attacks. Army troops stormed a suburb of Damascus. The city of Homs was shelled.


Sudan said it had repelled a rebel attack on a strategic border town in its south. Sudan accuses South Sudan of backing the rebels.


Analysis: The Sudans put China in a policy bind


The Security Council unanimously approved a resolution increasing the number of UN observers from 30 to 300 and demanding an end to the violence. An opposition spokesman said that Annan’s initiative was “our last chance to avoid civil war.” After widespread violence on Friday, much of Syria was quiet on Saturday, activists said.


Syria Accused of Failing to Live Up to Peace Plan


A spokesman for UN envoy Kofi Annan said the ceasefire was ‘very fragile’ and the situation was ‘not good.’ Syrian government troops fired on protesters.


In the biggest demonstration in months, thousands gathered in Tahrir Square to protest against the ruling military. The protest followed an Egyptian election commission decision to disqualify 10 candidates from participating in upcoming presidential elections.


South Sudan withdrew from a disputed oil field, averting a potential war with Sudan. Sudan declared victory, saying its armed forces had “liberated” the area.

South Korea

Seoul boasts of missile able to hit anywhere in North Korea


Sudan declares war on South Sudan: Will this draw in East Africa, and China?


The eight-day-old ceasefire between government forces and the opposition continued to deteriorate. Syria and the United Nations signed an agreement for a UN observer mission. The US called for tougher sanctions.


The crisis over South Sudan’s occupation of a disputed oilfield escalated. Sudan’s president vowed to teach South Sudan a “final lesson by force” and said the recent violence had “revived the spirit of jihad” in Sudan. South Sudan accused Sudan of planning genocide. Southern Sudan repelled several ground attacks.

North Korea

North Korea said it was no longer bound by an agreement with the US for a moratorium on missile and nuclear tests. The US said it was looking at “all options” to prevent North Korea from conducting more nuclear weapon tests. North Korea’s new leader Kim Jong-un vowed to keep the ‘military first.’


The six-day-old ceasefire broke down as government forces renewed military offensives across the country. More than 50 people were reported killed.


South Sudan said it would hold its position in a contested oil field it seized from Sudan. Sudan it would not be deterred from recapturing the oilfield.


Syrian Regime Bleeding Cash as Cease-fire is Threatened