Author Archives: CJ Radin


Rebel fighters build shadow state in Syria’s countryside


Egypt vote won’t push the generals aside as army will continue to have big say


A senior UN nuclear agency official urged Iran to allow access to a suspected nuclear weapons site. A drawing created by a purported witness depicts a nuclear weapons testing chamber. Recent satellite photos show an effort to clean up the site.


The opposition claimed a military victory in the city of Rastan. The rebel Free Syrian Army said they killed 23 government troops and destroyed several armored vehicles. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said the UN-sponsored peace plan was failing.


The Syrian conflict spilled into Lebanon. Five people have been killed and 100 wounded in three days of sectarian street fighting in Lebanon’s second largest city of Tripoli.


The brother of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri denied reports that al Qaeda was active Egypt. Recent reports claimed that al Qaeda has hundreds of fighters in the country, mainly in the Sinai Peninsula.


An Algerian Islamist leader threatened a Tunisian-type revolt. The threat came after parliamentary elections in which opposition parties claimed widespread fraud by the government.


The US resumed some weapons sales to Bahrain. Weapons sales had been suspended last year over human rights concerns during pro-democracy demonstrations.


Hezbollah leader Nasrallah accused the US and Israel of stoking terrorism in Syria. He also claimed Hezbollah had weapons that could hit any part of Israel.


Iran Promotes Its Candidate for Next Shiite Leader


Explosions Kill Dozens in Damascus


The government thwarted a large car bomb attack in the northern city of Aleppo, a day after two large car bombs exploded in the capital of Damascus. US Secretary of Defense Panetta said al Qaeda had a presence in Syria.

Hamas said it would not go to war with Israel if Iran’s nuclear facilities were attacked by Israel. Hamas created a new force to stop rocket attacks on Israel.


‘Arms flowing’ between Lebanon and Syria


In the largest such bombing to date, two powerful car bombs exploded in Damascus, killing 55 and wounding hundreds. The bombs went off in front of an intelligence headquarters compound. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.


Egypt seized a large quantity of heavy weapons from arms smugglers along the Libyan border. The smugglers claimed they were transporting the weapons to the Sinai Peninsula to create chaos before presidential elections.


South Sudan accuses Khartoum of more border attacks


Algerian government struggles to interest population in elections dubbed freest in 20 years


Fearful nights in Damascus as unrest gets closer


Algeria’s new Islamists won’t rock the boat


Egypt’s generals wait in the wings as the revolution turns messy


Syria held parliamentary elections. The government called it an important step toward reform. The opposition denounced the elections as a sham and called for a boycott.


Analysis: West doubtful of U.N. Syria peace push, no Plan B


Iran held runoff elections for Parliament. President Ahmadinejad’s faction suffered a major setback as rival conservative and independent candidates won 52 of 65 seats.


More than 370 were injured during demonstrations against Egypt’s ruling generals. Security forces detained more than 300 after the demonstration. A curfew was imposed.


Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs


Two bombs struck a government compound in the northern city of Idlib. Rockets hit the central bank in Damascus, killing nine and wounding 100. The government blamed the opposition, but the opposition denied involvement.


Lebanon detained a ship that was transporting weapons, some with Libyan markings, for Syrian rebels. In a seaborne assault, Syrian rebels attacked an army unit on the Mediterranean coast. Hundreds of army soldiers defected to the rebels.